Devotion, Prayer Families & Birthdays


In Worship last week, we lit the first candle of Advent. Our staff devotions have focused on the season of Advent as well. The following excerpt explains the importance of the Wreath and the season of Advent:


‘The symbols of the Advent Wreath are interpreted in many ways. The circle of evergreens reminds Christians of the eternal and ever-renewing promises of Christ. The lighting of candles, spanning the season, acknowledges the deepening of our preparation and the increasing light that bursts forth at Christmas. The colors of the candles also vary. Often the candles are purple or blue, noting the season’s expectations of royalty, liberation, redemption, and hope. For the third Sunday of Advent, occasionally a pink candle is lit. This recognizes a shift of Advent themes in the Bible. The first two Sundays focus on the Bible’s prophetic vision of Christ’s future and final return; on the third and fourth Sunday, the readings focus on the coming of Jesus, the Christ. The third Sunday traditionally recalls John the Baptizer’s call for repentance, and the fourth recounts God’s call to Mary and her faithful response. The third Sunday has been identified in some traditions as “Gaudete,” a day of joy and rejoicing. Finally, on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, a center white candle is lit. The light of Christ is fully present. Jesus is born.’


As you prepare for Christmas, you may like to set up a wreath and light the candles each week. We pray you will all enjoy a restful break and a wonderful Christmas celebration. 


for the fortnight beginning 4 December: 


McNamara, Meladious, Melky, Mills


And staff:


Caroline Beven, Mike Boland


Happy Birthday to the following students for the coming weeks:


Oliver Smith, Nate Venables, Fihnley Edwards, Charlotte Mader, Leonard Meneri, Sanjayan Gunalan, Tyler Berry, Brody Spears, Fiona Nelson, Kendra Filibeck, Demi Kuteyi, Lily Williams, Maddison Butcher-Duncan, Asha Tahere, Raahi Patel, Nathan George, Emily Weippert, Zoe Oyler, Mathok Puot Top, Micah Hunsicker, Onisha Dissanayaka, Thomas Sleigh, Charlee Prior, Cadence Varghese, Hannah Fior, Moe Bettineschi, Eli Rozario, Junxi Lin, Ciara Meurant, Rhylan Bee, Aisling Meagher