Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader 

It Matters

Dear Families,


Recently a colleague and friend found this on Facebook sent it to me. I really liked it, so I thought that I’d share it with you…


It matters what you say to them.


It matters how you spend your time with them.


It matters how you make them feel.


If matters if you are real.


It matters how you love them with your whole heart and show affection.


It matters how you apologize and invite vulnerability to the table.


It matters how you encourage big dreams and tell them the sky is the limit.


It matters if you give them a safe place to land.


It matters if you are their biggest advocate and loudest cheerleader.


It matters if you teach them kindness by demonstrating it.


It matters if you wipe their tears away and put a band aid on their scraped-up knee.


This parenting thing isn’t something to take lightly.


It’s a big job.


The biggest of them all.


But it’s one where we will keep showing up,

keep learning,

keep apologizing,

keep growing,

and keep offering every ounce of our hearts to see their little hearts soar.















Artwork: Safaa 

Words: Fire Wife Chronicles by Lizzy Christian


Enjoy the rest of your week. 

Andy McNeilly

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader