Art & Tech News

Art & Tech show 2023
What a night for all of our community, with perfect weather, amazing food and a lot to look at.
The art and tech show showcased a range of work from our students across Design Technology, Food Technology, Visual Communication and Design, Media Studies and of course, Art.
Design technology showcased some of the amazing projects made from wood to steel and all things in between. Food Technology showed us the depth and consideration that can go into our everyday menus but also provided delicious treats! Visual communication had new and innovative solutions from home design through to the products we use every day.
Media provided a great chance to sit and soak in the year 12s final productions and Art provided a chance to see the unique perception and interpretations of the students made real.
We would like to thank the school community for supporting the show, the students for showcasing and being bold with their ideas and the staff for putting it together, feeding us and helping everyone just have a great night! Also massive thanks to Ben Mogford whose photography is amazing, but we wouldn’t have a show without him.
The Bar has been raised and we can't wait to see what's coming in 24!