Middle School News

The Light in the Darkness Yr 9 Humanities & English
Our Year 9 students are completing an integrated unit studying the Holocaust in English and Humanities throughout Term 4. This will culminate in an exhibition that celebrates their work. We would like to invite our Year 9 families and Viewbank community to attend the exhibition. This year the exhibition also has an added memorial component.
Community Open Evening - 55 stories of Survival, hope and resilience during the Holocaust
Tuesday 5th December
Session 1 - 4.00 - 5.30pm
Session 2 - 6.00 - 7.30pm
Please use this link to book. There is no cost involved
Year 9 Jewish and Holocaust Museum visit
Last week, all year nine classes went to the Jewish and Holocaust Museum of Melbourne. It was a truly moving experience that helped us gain a very important insight into the culture and experience of Jews during the holocaust as we continue to investigate what really went on in the Holocaust. We first went to the Melbourne Jewish Museum and got a taste of the Jewish culture. We had some of the food, bread, and some tasty grape wine. We were allowed to browse through the Museum and learn about the important festivals of Judaism. This helped us further understand how distressing it would’ve been for Jews who couldn’t celebrate these festivals during the Holocaust. After that, we made our trip to the Melbourne Holocaust Museum. This was a very immersive tour of the whole place as we saw a lot of items from the holocaust and maps that showed what was happening during this horrible time. But the most interesting part of the whole trip was being able to listen to a real-life survivor of the Holocaust. Joe articulated his incredible life story very well and was able to keep a group of 30 year-nine students attentive and quiet; a feat that can’t be achieved by many. But the main takeaway from this amazing experience was the human nature of this trip, a step away from reading books, but being able to listen to a real story of what happened to someone will always be kept in our minds for the rest of our lives.
Kevin 9E
Student Achievements
Congratulations to the following VBC students for receiving their Australian Scouts Award this year - Molly Symons, James Patterson, Max Parrent and Lutz Stevens.
Matilda Crawford has also received her Queen Scouts Award. A fabulous achievement!
The leadership, social connection and survival skills learned by each of these individuals will be valuable for life throughout secondary school years and certainly beyond. Each level of award requires a number of challenges to be met with confidence and earned through hard work and good planning. Well done to all!