
Dear Families,
We wrapped up our gardening activities for this year with the pesto pasta cooking session. Preps and Year 1/2 had their turn last Friday. I’m very happy to report that the two packets of pasta cooked that afternoon literally disappeared!
Our summer vegetables have been planted and we’re looking forward to picking them upon our return to school in Term 1 next year. I’ll be attending the garden and watering the plants during the summer holidays.
Currently we’re only having radishes ready for harvest. They are great veggies to grow as they mature quickly and add colour and a bit of spiciness to salads.
If you need any herbs before the end of school year, please send a note and a gold coin to the office and we will give them to your child to take home. Currently we have parsley, rosemary, mint, sage, oregano, thyme, lemon balm and lemon verbena available.
To keep the herbs fresh for longer, wrap the stalks in a wet paper towel, place the bunch in an open plastic bag and store in the drawer compartment of your fridge.
Thank you for purchasing the herbs and continuing to support our gardening program throughout the year!
Another way to support our program is by mentioning our school when shopping at the Gardening Creations nursery. Plants make wonderful presents for the festive season and keep on giving back - 5% of the purchase price to us :-).
I wish you all relaxing summer holidays, cheerful Christmas festivities and all the best in 2024!
Vesna Simic
Learning Support Officer