Primary News

Mrs Audrey Fellowes   

Deputy Principal - Head of Primary   

End of Year Thank You

2023 has been a wonderful year in the Primary School. We are blessed with a dedicated team of teachers, teacher aides and administration staff who are focussed on supporting every student. The activities provided to our students extend from meeting their diverse range of learning needs to offering opportunities for further growth and extension. It is a privilege to work alongside such passionate, driven and knowledgeable staff.


Thank you and farewell to our Year 6 cohort. You have been exceptional leaders and excellent ambassadors for our College. Thank you for letting your light shine throughout the year. Thank you to our 2023 Primary Captains, Emily Blake and Vera Chung for your leadership and service to Clayfield College. It has been a pleasure to support your initiatives and see you grow in confidence this year. 


From all the Primary staff, we wish you all a restful and peaceful holiday season and look forward to seeing you all again in 2024. 

Primary Presentation Day (Pre-Prep to Year 6) – Friday 1 December 

Primary Presentation Day is a celebration of our students’ leaning and personal growth over the school year. We will reflect on the year, with memories shared from Pre-Prep to Year 6, enjoy performances from our music ensembles and students, and acknowledge individual students’ achievements.


Please note the following important information in relation to tomorrow's celebration: 

  • Students are to arrive as per normal and attend PC at 8:30am for roll call
  • All students Prep to Year 6 are to wear their formal school uniform
  • Parents/caregivers are requested to arrive by 8:50am for a 9:00am commencement
  • The forecast is for warm weather, please bring water with you
  • At the conclusion of the event, students will return to their classroom with their teacher. Parents/caregivers taking their child/ren at the conclusion of the event must do so from the classroom with notice to the teacher.

Please note: It was essential to have RSVP to attend this event as seating is limited.

Final Day Arrangements 

School will finish for the year for all students (Pre-Prep to Year 11), on Friday 1 December at 12.00pm.


Pre-Prep to Year 6 parents attending the Primary Presentation are welcome to take their child/ren at the conclusion of the event at approximately 11:00am, with notification to their teacher.


Remaining students will stay with their teachers with the following arrangements:

  • Pre-Prep students to be collected from their classroom at 12:00pm
  • Prep to Year 6 students to be collected from Circular Drive at 12:00pm. 

Attendance and Absences 

Holidays Outside Scheduled Times

With reference to the Student Diary, Attendance and Absences (paragraph 3), please note the following requirement should commencement of holidays be required outside the normal scheduled times for students: -


Except in extraordinary circumstances, permission should not be sought for extra holiday periods or for appointments within school hours.  If extraordinary circumstances necessitate those holidays be taken outside scheduled times, the matter must be discussed with, and permission sought from the Deputy Principal.

Campion Student Resources and Textbooks 2024

Please refer to the communication sent to parents on Friday 27 October from Mrs Miranda Cavaliere – Teaching & Learning Department.


Orders are to be placed by Wednesday 6 December. Orders placed after this time will incur additional charges.

Year 5 Entrepreneurial Fair

On Friday 24 November, our Year 5 students turned the Primary area into a Christmas Wonderland! The fair was an opportunity for our young entrepreneurs to put their enterprise skills into practice. Students have formed small groups to decide on products and services to sell to our customers. Stalls ranged from face painting, lucky dips, bookmarks and cards, bracelets, computer games, and crafting. Students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and we are so proud of them!


Check out the Photo Gallery for some of the images from the Fair!