Important Information

Information, news, and updates.



In two weeks, all state and territory AEU branches are heading to Canberra to present the Prime Minister with thousands of signed postcards calling for full funding of public schools. 

Our school is underfunded by approximately $378,000 dollars a year due to public schools not receiving the full funding allocation for public students. 


To support the public education system in doing the best it can for all students, please sign the postcard digitally here:  Sign the online postcard

NPS Garden Club News - Community Walk this Sunday!


2024 BYOD iPAD Program

In preparation for 2024, our BYOD iPad Portal via JB HiFi is now open for families. As most of you know, our BYOD iPad Program runs in years 3-6 with approximately 90% of students in these year levels having access to their own iPad device to support and enhance their learning.  All details are listed below and if you require any assistance please contact the office.  School Code (for parents): NPS2024   



We would like to invite all members of the community to join our Movember team to help raise funds and awareness for men's health. Let’s band together as a community to make a difference for our sons, brothers, fathers, uncles, and mates. Anybody can join! You can grow a mo, get your body in motion or host a moment with friends Sign up today! (or send the link to someone you know) 🙏


Art Show 2023

Our annual Art Show was held on November 8.  All of the students' amazing art work was on display, with many families visiting and lots of activities happening. There was also a Smashville burger truck and a sausage sizzle if you were hungry! There were some amazing performances from some of our students and even our school chaplain, Melissa Allport.

Thank you to everyone who supported the art show by visiting or volunteering your time, it couldnt go ahead without you!

Canteen Service - Fresh Meal Fairy

School Canteen Lunch Day: WEDNESDAY

Our canteen provider would like to introduce fortnightly specials. Specials will change and are available to view and order through the app.

Lunch orders can be placed via the School24 App or website - order cut off, 8 pm Tues.

Newtown PS is Social!

Are you connected with our social media accounts?

Did you know that we are on Instagram and Facebook? We love sharing our achievements and happenings with our school community, and one of the ways in which we do that is via our social media. We have recently re-activated our Facebook page and continue to post on Instagram. Follow us via the links below.