School Captain News 

Welcome to Week 7


Things Happening in Week 8

  • Year 6's off to camp at The Ranch from Wednesday - Friday.                                                So as your school captains, we will be on leave until week 9.

Year 5 Camp:

We hope all the year 5's had a fantastic time at Don Bosco camp, we hope they enjoyed all of the fantastic activities as we remember when we went on this camp it was awesome. The food was pretty awesome too. We hope you had good weather and enjoyed the time with your friends and all the teachers that went with you. We hope you have a good sleep and some rest over the weekend. 

Here are a few sneaky pictures that we were able to add... the beach activities were one of our favorites.

Yard Slips


This week’s winners are Marah from 4D and Mackenzie from 3A for being responsible, great to see some of the older students receiving yard awards.


QUOTE OF THE WEEK:  This quote is dedicated to our grade 5's who were doing their leadership speeches on camp. We wish them good luck and we can say right now it will be very hard to pick and choose.






National Fast Food Day!

This Friday (today) is National Fast Food Day. Not sure who makes these interesting days up.

We hope you all get some delicious fast food and we also hope you didn't bug your parents for some.




Have a great weekend everyone and only 4 more weeks of school to go!