From the Head of Boarding

Dear Boarding Community


As the year closes for our Boarding community and everyone goes their separate ways on our Christmas break, I extend my heartfelt wishes to all of you and your families. May this festive season be filled with laughter, shared moments of joy and reflection.


In the fabric of our Boarding community, each thread contributes to the unique and vibrant pattern we weave together. Let us cherish the bonds we've formed, celebrate our diversity, and embrace the spirit of togetherness.


May the holiday period be a tapestry of shared stories, shared meals, and shared laughter. Let kindness be the language spoken to each other, and understanding be the bridge that connects you.


On behalf of the Boarding staff, Lisa and I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season. May the new year bring continued growth, happiness, and countless memories to cherish.


Stay safe and look after each other.


Mr Ashley Keatch | Head of Boarding