A Message from the 

Assistant Principal

Mr Steven Belcastro

End of Year

As we approach the end of year, just a few reminders. School finishes for the students on Friday, 15th December 2023.

Semester 2 Reports

Student reports for semester two will be released on Friday, 8th December 2023, via Compass. 


If your child is leaving St Martha's, please download his/her reports as from the 15th December, they will no longer be available.


If your child is beginning the holiday period before the end of term, please let their class teacher know so that they are able to send their books and work home. 

2024 Classes

Students will have the opportunity to find out what class they are in and who their teacher will be on the afternoon of Wednesday 14th December. 


Week 9 SPBL Expectation
Week 9 SPBL Expectation
Week 10 SPBL Expectation
Week 10 SPBL Expectation