Parish News

Happy New Liturgical Year
Let’s all encourage each other to enter the season of Advent with Joy and Hope!
Dear Jesus, you are the hope in our messy world.
This Advent help us slow down, listen to your voice and focus on what’s really important.
We place our hope in you as we prepare our hearts to celebrate your birth. Amen.
During Advent, we not only prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but we also check in to see if we are doing all the things that will keep us ready to receive Jesus when he comes again. Recommit yourselves to praying daily, reading Scripture, and staying faithful to God’s commandments.
Free copies are available in the church foyer
Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion & Altar Servers
To assist with the preparation of rosters for the Christmas Masses would any parishioners who are on the regular rosters please volunteer if available. Christmas is one of our major Liturgical celebrations so the more volunteers we have would be appreciated.
The Christmas Eve 5pm Children’s Mass
Plans are underway for school aged children to take part and participate in this Mass by coming along dressed as either an Angel or a Shepherd. Children will need to supply their own costume. The specific roles of Mary, Joseph, the Three Wise Men, Readers and Offertory Procession will be allocated by Fr John. More information will be made available over the coming weeks.
St Vincent de Paul 2024 Columban Calendars & Christmas Cards
Calendar and christmas card packs are now available for $10 each.
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
2nd & 3rd December. This Christmas, your generous financial donation will help Vinnies provide much needed help and financial assistance to those without. More than anything we can give hope to many in our community in their time of need. envelopes will be available on the pews. Donations can be placed in any of the collection plates. Thank you in anticipation. Anthony Thurn, President Strathfield Conference.
Mass for Expectant Mothers and those Hoping to Conceive
All expectant mothers and those hoping to conceive are warmly invited to come to 10:30 Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral on Sunday, 10 December, with an opportunity to receive a special blessing from Bishop Richard Umbers with relics of St Gerard Majella and St Gianna Molla. Register before 1 December for catering purposes at
Western Sydney Chinese Christian Church Carols
Are holding their English Carols on the Lawn on Sunday 10th December at 5:30pm - 7:30pm.