A Message from the Principal

Mrs Carolyn Parsell

Dear Parents,

Parent Volunteer Thank-you

Today we say a huge thank-you to all our parent (and grandparent) helpers. To all those who have been on excursions, listened to students reading, covered books, manned the uniform shop, helped out at the various fundraising event, cooked for cakestalls, assisted at the Athletics Carnival or will be at the Swimming Carnival tomorrow, our sincere thanks for your time, energy, expertise and enthusiasm. Volunteers are hugely important in our school. Through their generosity we can ensure that our students are safe and that their learning experiences are enhanced. May God Bless you for your wonderful support.


Next Wednesday 6th December we will hold our Parents and Friends Annual General Meeting to elect our P&F Leadership Team. Please come along for our last meeting for the year from 8:15.

Christmas Concert

On Thursday 7th December we will gather in St Martha's Church for our Christmas Concert. It promises to be a great celebration of God's gift to us. The students have been practising and I know they will be very excited to share the evening with their parents. We look forward to seeing you all on the night. Students need to be at school by 5pm. Please drop your children to the green gate on Churchill Avenue. Students will be picked up from their normal dismissal locations. Siblings go to the youngest student's pick up spot.


Advent is a time of waiting and preparing for Christmas. We often use the analogy of Mary's pregnancy when thinking about the waiting and preparing for the coming of Jesus. Mary's pregnancy is also celebrated in the praying of the Rosary. The first three Joyful Mysteries are the Annunciation of Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, the Visitation of Virgin Mary to Elizabeth and the Birth of Jesus. In our preparation for Christmas we can get caught up in all the business and forget the importance of prayer in reminding us of the reason for the season. Let us give thanks to God for the great gift of His Son.


Today the children were able to enjoy the cool shade of our new shade structure for the first time. The structure looks great and provides a lovely cool space for the students for sport and playtime. Huge thanks to everyone for your patience as we waited for the project to come to fruition. Special thanks to Mr Ben Ferlazzo for his work in researching and campaigning for this project. This is a very welcome addition to our infrastructure and we thank Sydney Catholic Schools Facilities Team for supporting us in this project.




Thank-you to everyone who has helped out with our activities and functions this week. Our Cultural Day yesterday, the Disco on Friday and the Newman Symposium on Monday were wonderful celebrations for our community. Many thanks to all the helpers and teachers who worked to put these events together. We are truly blessed with many talented students, parents and teachers. 


Peace and best wishes,

Carolyn Parsell