
Student of the Week Awards - Week 7
FME - Goldie W
FA - Jia S
1/2K - Taaj M
1/2S - Ottilie S & Clara P
1/2T - Sienna C & Mika T
3/4L - Ridwan A
3/4J - Tilda I
3/4S - Marth W
5/6K - Amelia D
5/6J - Raj S
Student of the Week Awards - Week 8
FA - Whole class
1/2K - Daisy HW
1/2S - Micky B &Alexander L
1/2T - Rahma A
3/4B - Elira N
3/4J - Viv S and Penny W
3/4S - Thomas G
5/6K - Laila K
5/6J - Mischa B
5/6BC - Talon R
Happy Birthday for Week 8 to...
Otto S, Sophie B, Julian M and Tilly F!
Student Learning Grade1/2
The 1/2s have had some fun visitors this week - the Foundies! We have read books together and played fun name games like "who took the cookie from the cookie jar?" and "doggie's lost bone". Some great new friendships have been made alongside lots of laughter.
This week in writing, 1/2S has been inventing futuristic toys of their choice and creating poster advertisements for them. Students have designed their toys, come up with brand names and catchy slogans, chosen price points, and decided where the toys can be purchased.
In Maths, we have been learning about statistics. Students created their own questions, collected data using tally marks, and represented their findings in tables and bar charts.
It’s been an exciting and fun week of learning in 1/2S!
This week in Maths, the 1/2's engaged in a hands-on activity where they formulated questions to gather data from their peers. They meticulously tallied the responses they received and learned how to represent their findings accurately using bar graphs. This process enhanced their data collection skills and provided them with a visual method to interpret and present the information clearly. Through this exercise, students developed a deeper understanding of statistical concepts while fostering collaboration and communication skills.
Reading to the sound of the ocean