Middle School

Over the course of Term 3 and Term 4, students in years 7 - 9 have participated in Man Cave and Big Sister Incursions (Year 7 - 28th October, Year 8 - 22nd August, Year 9 - 14th August).
Man Cave
The Man Cave is a preventative mental health and emotional literacy charity empowering boys to become great men. The students participated in a variety of activities aimed to promote positive mental health and about the importance of opening up and sharing one's emotions. They spoke about how they can support one another in times of difficulty and it really helped to bring the students together.
At the conclusion of the day, the students were asked the following questions and here are some of their responses:
To the question ‘What is the best thing you learned today?’:
“That it is good to express my feelings”
“You can share problems you have with your close friends”
“That you should frequently check on your friends because you don’t know what they are going through”
To the question ‘Why would you recommend this program to other young men?’
“Because this program is a way to open up to other people, learn new things about yourself and others, learn valuable life skills which you may not of been able to have learnt, and many more.”
“Because it shows men how to show their feelings without shame”
“Because it really helped me understand what other people go through and strategies I can do to help them and myself”
To the question “What do you think you might do differently after today’s program?”
“Be honest when someone asks me how am I”
“If a friend or a loved one needs help, be there for them and talk about my feelings”
“I feel I would and should check in with myself more often”
Big Sister Experience
The Big Sister Experience focuses on inspiring the next generation through self-confidence and self-love to become the capable, resilient and empowered individuals of tomorrow. The students participated in a variety of sessions focused on self-love, body-image, boundaries and supporting the sisterhood.
At the conclusion of the day students were asked “What will you do differently after todays workshop?” and here are just some of their responses:
“I know how to set boundaries now, so I will use that in my daily life, and I learnt lots more about mental health as well.”
“I will be kind to myself and know that everyone has their struggles and that you are never alone.”
“Try not to judge myself as hard as I would usually do knowing now they are a lot of people my age in the same position as me”
“ I loved the workshop so much and I found it very welcoming, interesting, fun and safe. I it was very helpful and I hope to do it again because they were so nice!”
“Thanks for coming today, I think it made a big difference to myself and my peers. I learnt things about my friends that I've never thought about before so thank you”
“I loved this workshop and think that all schools should do it.”
2025 Musical
September 3 - 5 2025