Wellbeing Report
Celebrating Student Achievement
It is wonderful to be able to look back at the year and recognise the contributions of our students, both to their own learning and the wider community.
Our end of year assemblies next week will be a wonderful opportunity to publicly acknowledge and give thanks to these students, appreciating their efforts to strengthen our community.
We are also privileged to have a number of outside organisations recognise our students, and we thank them for their commitment to celebrating the efforts of our young people.
The Rotary Club of Noble Park/Dingley are very supportive of our school and local community, offering an award to a 11 Nazareth student, for their leadership and community service during the year. Called the ‘Arthur Williams Junior Citizenship Award’, it recognises young people in our local community who strive for excellence – academically, socially and within their community. The award this year went to Gabriella Kakerissa, and she attended a ceremony recently to receive the award.
The Julian Hill Community Spirit and Leadership Award is offered by our local Federal member of Parliament, the Hon Julian Hill, and acknowledges young people demonstrating community leadership both inside and outside the school community. The Awards recognise these important contributions and encourage more young people to get involved.
This year, the Julian Hill Community Spirit and Leadership Award went to Sophie McKinlay of Year 9. Sophie will attend an award ceremony next week.
The Mulgrave Country Club are very supportive of our school and local community, offering a scholarship to a Year 11 Nazareth student. The John Milledge Scholarship recognises a student for their citizenship and leadership.
The John Milledge Scholarship for 2024 was awarded to Joshua Smith, and he was presented with the award at a ceremony held last month.
Congratulations to these students for their efforts and achievements over many years at Nazareth.
Lastly, a big thank you for the way in which you have partnered with us this year - it has been our privilege to work with our students and families.
If you are in need of support over the break, please seek this from the many fantastic organisations we have at our fingertips. We have provided a list of these in the attached document, should you need this. Your GP is always a very good resource also, and can assist you in linking you with other local support services.
On behalf of the Wellbeing and Pastoral team we wish you all a safe and happy holiday with your family and friends. We hope you are able to spend some time with loved ones in the great outdoors, away from screens and enjoying the sunshine and warmth of summer. Best wishes to the future for those families leaving our community, and for those remaining with us, we look forward to working with you in partnership once again in 2025.
Ms Jackie Kol
Director of Wellbeing