Current News

Friday 29th November
(2025 Planning)
Dear Families,
I hope you had a wonderful extra long weekend with your family and friends. We were truly blessed by beautiful weather.
Over the last 2 weeks our students have had some incredible expereinces with their teachers and classmates.
- Prep Excursion (IMAX and Melbourne Museum)
- Prep Camp Day (Rhythm Unites)
- Year 1/2 Camp (Arrabri Lodge)
- Year 1/2 Excursion (MCG)
- Year 3/4 Excursion (Melbourne Museum)
In the coming weeks we have more community events to look forward to.
- Thursday 28th November - Whole School Wellbeing Excursion (Melbourne Zoo)
- Thursday 5th December - Holy Family School Christmas Carols (5:30-7pm) Everyone welcome
Holy Family School Choir
Our school choir is currently rehearsing their Christmas Carols.
They will be performing and bringing joy to the residents of local Nursing Homes and our Holy Family Parishioners at their Christmas Luncheon.
Thank you to Miss Rawlins and Miss Lark for supporting our choir.
Mini Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Our Christmas elves started their journey today.
They visited each classroom to launch our Mini Vinnies Christmas Appeal.
Our school looks forward to gathering many donations for people in the Mt Waverley community to bring happiness this Christmas.
More information can be found in the 'Mini Vinnies' section of this newsletter.
2025 Leadership Speeches
Our Year 4 and 5 students are currently writing their applications and/or speeches to obtain a Leadership Position in our school for 2025. Each Leadership position has a role description which the students must address in their application.
For the first time, our Year 4 students can apply for the position of FIRE (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) Carrier Leader. The successful applicants will form a group of 4 FIRE Carrier Leaders to represent our school.
I look forward to reading their applications and listening to their speeches.
Thank you to our teachers and parents for supporting our students with their application process.
In Flanders Fields
(John McCrae, 1915)
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Remebrance Day Service
At 10:45am on Monday 11th November our school will join together to commemorate Remembrance Day with a prayer service.
Community members are invited to join this service in our quadrangle.
We have some chair that are free to go to a good home! If you would like some of these chairs please let the school office know and we can work out a time for pick up. We have about 30 of the 'dining' chairs and a few of the 'tub' chairs up for grabs.
Whole School excursion
An Operoo note has gone out regarding our whole school excursion on Thursday 28th November. We ask you to respond to this promptly, including if you may be able to help out on the day.
Thank you for your understanding as I transition back to work,
Julie David (Principal)
Term 3 Dates
Monday 11th - Remembrance Day Service (10:45am) All welcome
Monday 11th - Mini Vinnies Nursing Home Visit
Tuesday 12th - Prep 2025 (Transition 3)
Tuesday 12th - Year 5/6 Incursion
Wednesday 13th - P&F, SAC AGMs
Friday 15th - Parishioners Christmas Lunch (Choir singing)
Tuesday 19th - Prep 2025 (Transition 4)
Friday 22nd - Summer Sports Round Robin
Friday 22nd - Year 3/4 Incursion (Mad About Science)
Tuesday 26th - Prep 2025 (Transition 5)
Wednesday 27th - P&F, SAC AGMs
Thursday 28th- Whole school excursion- Melbourne Zoo (Wellbeing focus)
Friday 29th - School Closure Day (2025 Planning)
Monday 2nd - 13th Swimming Program (Prep-Year 4)
Thursday 5th - Community Christmas Carols
Thursday 5th - Last day for donations (Mini Vinnies Christmas Appeal)
Friday 6th - P&F Special Lunch
Friday 6th - Mini Vinnies Christmas Appeal Pick Up Day
Tuesday 10th- Year 6 Graduation
Thursday 12th - Transition Speeches from previous Holy Family students to our current Year 6 students
Friday 13th - End of Year Mass (9:15am)
Monday 16th - Year 6 Big Day Out
Tuesday 17th - Final Assembly (11:30am-1pm)
Tuesday 17th - Last day for students (1pm finish)
Term 1 Dates
Tuesday 28th - Staff return
Wednesday 29th - Student Assessments
Thursday 30th - Student Assessments
Friday 31st - First Day of School (All students)
Sunday 2nd - Prep 2025 Playdate
Wednesday 5th - Prep Rest Day
Tuesday 11th - Meet the Teacher (Parents)
Wednesday 12th - Meet the Teacher (Parents)
Wednesday 12th - Prep Rest Day
Wednesday 19th - Prep Rest Day
Wednesday 26th - Prep Rest Day
Thursday 27th - Welcome Dinner (New families)
Friday 28th - School Closure Day
Monday 3rd - Halogen Young Leaders Day
Wednesday 5th - Prep-Year 2 Parent Evening (Literacy)
Wednesday 5th - Prep Rest Day
Monday 10th - Public Holiday (Labor Day)
Thursday 13th - Twilight Sports
Friday 21st - Harmony Day, World Syndrome Day, Earth Hour
Tuesday 25th - Parent Evening (Maria Ruberto)