Faith and Mission

Year 12 Retreat - Preparing for the Year Ahead

As part of Flying Start, our Year 12 students of 2025 participated in their Retreat Day. The focus was to unite and prepare for the year ahead. The day's activities were designed to consolidate their House and Year Level identity, with a beach walk to Parkdale, sports on the beach, forming a conjoined line of solidarity, challenge exercises, a professional magician’s show and lunch.


In the afternoon, College Captains Maurice, Finn, Flynn and Joseph addressed the Year Level; sharing their vision for the cohort and the whole College for the year ahead. They invited the Year 12s to get involved in all activities in their final year, especially Mission Action Day. The day formed many highlights for our Captains and students. 


"Our House teams are an important factor in our College Culture through House Sports, morning roll calls and even in the locker bays. On our Retreat, we participated in House Competitions that reaped the benefit of bonding within each House. Through fun-filled competitive activities such as dodgeball, students left the hall feeling an extra sense of brotherhood and belonging .


After the activities, we went to the canteen for a complimentary lunch - hotdog, drink and cookie. This act of kindness from our teachers raised spirits, and each student felt a sense of appreciation. The new friendships formed earlier in the day furthered in the yard, whilst students ate together and bonded in conversation or games of handball. The overall sense of community, faith and brotherhood was extremely uplifting to see, and a success of what was to be achieved." - Flynn and Cooper


"All the boys came into the Performing Arts Theater, welcomed by ‘Alex Unexplainable,’ an incredible, mind-boggling magician and 'Australia's Got Talent' finalist, who had us all stunned. A key moment was seeing several boys participate in the tricks, with Alex even getting us to shout out random numbers of our choice, which ultimately calculated to the current time, date, and year.  


The key message behind Alex’s sleight of hand performance was to show that nothing is impossible. This resonates deeply with our faith and reminds us of the power of belief, both in ourselves and in something greater. It’s an important message that the Class of 2025 will carry into our final year, strengthening our aspirations for an unforgettable journey ahead and a future filled with belief, faith and purpose."  Joe & Finn, College Vice-Captains 


"After the unforgettable experience 'Alex Unexpectable' provided, the boys and I embarked on a walk along the stunning beach from Mentone to Mordialloc. This walk symbolised the challenges we will face as a cohort in the year ahead—whether it’s tackling exams, dealing with uncertainty about our futures, or managing the pressure to perform. Upon reaching Mordialloc, we engaged in individual games that fostered a sense of unity and strengthened our bond as a group. We concluded the day with a moment of meditation, collectively reflecting on the bay and interpreting it through the lens of our Houses." - Maurice, College Captain

Advent and Christmas

The season of Advent is about waiting. Waiting takes up a large part of our lives, often we see waiting as non-productive, as a waste of time and we are frustrated.


But the season of Advent reminds us that waiting is more productive, we are called to be people of action and service as we wait for the most mysterious and wonderful coming of all – the coming of Jesus Christ.


So, with the people of faith who have gone before us, and the people of faith who are with us … we wait, and we hope, and love what we wait for; God’s second coming, and God’s peace. 

A Reading from the Gospel of St Matthew

In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, ‘Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage.’ When King Herod heard this, he was frightened. He secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had

appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, ‘Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage.’ When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure-chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.

Reflection: Just like the wise men presented gifts to the Holy Family, we too offer gifts this Christmas. Over the past few weeks, we have all been asked to contribute to Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Many students, families and staff have responded to the call to help our neighbours in need with generosity. By doing this we have made God’s presence a reality in the lives of others.


Soon we present these Christmas Hampers and gift vouchers to the various Vinnies Conferences in our area. Vinnies members work tirelessly to ensure that people experiencing disadvantage have someone to turn to for help. We thank them for their work and commitment in helping others. Through their good works, we are restoring hope to many people who are finding it difficult to celebrate during the Christmas season.


Lord Jesus, Wise men travelled for miles to bring you the first Christmas presents. So, may we, too, remember with thankful hearts the love that comes with each present we open. We also thank you for the amazing love you have for each of us, and we thank you for the many gifts that you give us. We ask your particular care for those who do not experience the love and presence of dear ones. Amen.



As we prepare for the great holy day of Christmas, may each of us help to make our home a place of joy, love, peace and safety.

May we be generous and considerate, helping others to enjoy the blessings of Christmas.

May we, and all our family and friends, find relaxation, refreshment and enjoyment in the coming summer holidays.


St John Baptist de la Salle. Pray for us.   

Live Jesus in our hearts. Forever!

Save The Date: 2025 Family Mass

Tuesday 18 March, 6pm

You are warmly invited to our 2025 St Bede’s College Family Mass to celebrate the opening of the school year and to recognise and commission our College Captains. 


We are honoured to have Bishop Anthony Ireland, Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne, as Principal Celebrant for this occasion. He will be accompanied by many of our Chaplains. 

The Mass will be held at our Mentone Campus Sports Centre, followed by a light supper. 


Ria Greene

Deputy Principal - Faith and Mission