Humanities and Social Sciences

Remembrance Day Service
Each year, Australians unite in honouring all those who have died or suffered while serving in wars, conflicts and peace operations. As a nation, we pause in silence on Remembrance Day at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to acknowledge the sacrifices made in service of our country. Tragically, over 103 thousand names are listed on the Roll of Honour at the Australian War Memorial. On this day, and always, we remember them.
A College tradition each year is to place names of our loved ones on a memorial wall, in honour of our fallen soldiers and veterans. Many members of our community have lost loved ones due to war or have or had family members serve in the Army, Navy or Air force. Poppies are placed on the memorial during our service and shows the names and stories of our family members who sacrificed so much to keep us all safe. Thank you to all those families who shared with us.
Miss D Pisconeri
(Humanities and Social Sciences Teacher and Climate Canons Co-ordinator)
Parliament and Law Courts Excursion
On Thursday, November 7, Year 9 students had the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the workings of the legal and parliamentary systems as part of their Civics and Citizenship studies. The excursion included visits to the Francis Burt Law Museum, District Court, Magistrates Court, and Parliament House.
Throughout the day, students were able to tour a real courtroom, where they learned about the courtroom layout and the roles of various participants, such as the judge, jury, and lawyers. This experience provided students with a hands-on understanding of the court's structure and procedures. In addition, they had the chance to observe a real court session in progress, giving them insight into how cases are presented and decided.
At Parliament House, students had the opportunity to see Parliament in session. They watched elected representatives debate issues and make decisions that affect the state, which reinforced their understanding of democratic processes and the importance of active citizenship. The students were even lucky enough to meet Mr. Bill Johnston, the local member for Cannington.
The facilitators at each location commented on the students’ excellent behaviour, engagement, and curiosity. Their reflections show that they found the day to be an informative and valuable learning experience.
A big thank you to Ms. Boyd, who joined the excursion and helped ensure that students gained as much as possible from the day. This hands-on experience provided students with a better understanding of the legal and parliamentary systems that shape our society.
Mr A McGoorty
(Humanities and Social Sciences and Religious Education Teacher)