From the Principal

Dear Parents, Carers, Students, Staff and Friends of St Norbert College
The month of November is traditionally a time in which the Catholic community remembers those who have died. The month commences with the Feast of All Saints followed by All Souls Day. In countries like the United States of America, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the last Thursday in November. Though distinct in their origins and practices, All Souls Day and Thanksgiving share a common thread of remembrance and gratitude. They are both a time for families to gather, express gratitude for their blessings, and remembering and praying for the loved ones no longer present on earth. Both occasions encourage reflection on the past, honouring those who have shaped our lives, and fostering a sense of connection and continuity. They both serve as poignant reminders of the importance of family, memory, and gratitude in our lives. Let us take time to be grateful for our blessings.
At our recent Presentation Night, I spoke about Blessed Carlo Acutis, soon to become a saint. Carlo was a young Italian boy who died from leukaemia at the age of 15, in 2006. He was an average teenager who appeals to our modern generation as he will possibly the first saint who owned a mobile phone, played video games and used the internet! Pope Francis refers to him as ‘the saint next door’ because despite his ordinariness, he had the capacity to do extraordinary things by being a role model, leading others, much older than him, to God. Carlo’s life serves as a reminder that every person has “beautiful things” inside them and to “not be scared” but “be confident” to share them. I hope that Carlo will be an inspiration to our students.
If you want to know more about Blessed Carlo, google him!
Congratulations to former St Norbert College Principal (2012-mid 2017), Mrs Annette Morey who has been appointed as Deputy Executive Director of Catholic Education WA. Annette has been fulfilling the position in an acting capacity this year. We wish her our blessings.
I would like to congratulate our Year 11 students for their conduct in the last few weeks of term during examinations or the completion of external programs. Our 2025 Student Leaders also attended a training and planning day this week. I wish the Class of 2025 a restful holiday break and look forward to their return as the student leaders of the College.
2025 Student Leaders Training
Best wishes to Year 9 & 10 students as they complete exams over the next few weeks. I ask families to support and pray for our students as they complete final assessments, and may they work towards producing reports that reflect their hard work and efforts.
The months have slipped by very quickly, and the end of November approaches and signifies the First Sunday of Advent – the four-week period of preparation before Christmas. Let us make this time of preparation for the birth of Jesus focussed on acts of kindness and service to others, especially those most in need in our community, and less on the commercialism of Christmas.
God bless.
Ms S Rainford