Spotlight on Learning

Spotlight on Learning - Year 2
This term, our Year Two students have been tinkering with toys and designing new toys using a design process.
Here are some photos of the students tinkering with old toys.
Some of the comments the children made were…
“I found a lot of things in my toy because it was big. I worked with some of my friends and I found teeny, tiny screws, wires and little plastic cylinders”- Olivia. Y
“I loved getting the motherboards out. We started a collection of how many motherboards we found. We had to visualise and guess how many were in our toys, then you had to unscrew and jimmy it open to find out what was inside. I was very surprised. Manu and I found light bulbs in our toy!”- James
Spotlight on Learning - Prep
What’s been happening in Prep?!
In Prep we are learning about money!
We have been exploring the features of Australian coins and engaging in lots of play with money. This week in Show and Tell we will bring a collection of coins and share something we could buy with it e.g. an icy pole, a Hot Wheels car, a key ring, slime etc.
“I love using the cash register and giving change.” - Ebony
“I chose things in the catalogues I’d like to eat. I liked choosing my dessert. The ice cream I wanted cost $7.50” - Kai
“I like buying things and putting them in the trolley” - Ayla
“I can make $5 using different combinations of coins.” - Archie
Spotlight on Learning - Bike Incursion
Bike Education By Sam C, Maddie and Xavier
Firstly everyone brought their bikes and helmets to school. We learned to ride while indicating - this was done by riding one handed, balancing and sticking an arm out to indicate. We also learnt to go around the roundabout while indicating. Then we did fun game of who can go the slowest between two points - this was to help us practise balance and control. We rode around an obstacle course of cones, practising riding in straight lines, stopping and zig zagging.
The Excursion:
For our excursion we headed out in 6 different groups and rode up to the big gate then turned left along Centre Road. We had to hop off our bikes and walk because of the nearby magpie. Then we walked down Tulkara Grove and rode our bikes through the park for almost the rest of the time. Once we got to Bayswater (train) Park we ate lunch and played with the equipment at the park and took a group photo in front of the train. We were just about to leave when it rained so we stayed undercover.
On the way back, some students rode off-road on a gravel path for a more challenging experience. Lastly, we were given the challenge to ride up Tulkara Grove hill on our bikes - only two people made it!
In Summary,
All of us learnt lots of useful things to apply when riding our bikes in the future. We all had loads of fun at the park playing and learning different skills.
Key things we learnt or practised:
- ABCDs of bike safety
- Indicating with your arm
- Riding around a roundabout
- How to ride slowly
- Weaving through cones
- Basic road rules
Students of the Week
Week 5, Term 4