Parish News

Holy Family Parish


Nominations and Expressions of Interest


You are invited to nominate someone or put forward your expression of interest (EOI) to be part of one of the following advisory and leadership groups.

  • PPC - Parish Pastoral Council (6 to 8 members)
  • PFC - Parish Finance Council (4 members)
  • SC - Safeguarding Committee (3 to 5 members).

The membership of PPC and PFC are up for renewal and the Safeguarding committee needs additional members. We would like to take this opportunity to thank current members for their time, support and dedication to growing a Parish that is vibrant, with vitality and is viable. 


Information and Discernment evening: Tuesday 12 November, 7PM in the Small Hall 15 Lyons Street Maidstone.

Nomination and EOI closes: Sunday 17 November 2024

Selection will follow a process ofprayer and discernment. These groups are about the life of a community of faith, and as such, its members should be drawn from Holy Family Parish’s faith community (including its schools) and reflect its diversity.

For more information: Please see our website: or QR code


EDGE Youth Ministry Program





EDGE aims to provide youths with a safe and enjoyable place to explore their Catholic faith, get their questions answered, and to encounter the love of Jesus in a deep and profound way.


Held Friday fortnightly during school term.

7-9pm Our Lady’s Large Hall Lyon Street Maidstone. For enquiries please email: 






Adoration for Vocation is on every Thursday

There will also be the Sacrament of Reconciliation - A Priest will be available to hear confessions.

Time: 3.00pm to 4.00pm

Location: Alternating between Christ the King and Our Lady's churches.

To see where we are each week, refer  the last page of the latest Parish bulletin

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