Student Spotlight

Poppy Wilson - Year 8 Sports Scholarship Holder
This year through the Mount Carmel's school sport programs I have had the opportunity to participate in so many sport-based activities. From Secondary Athletics and Cross Country, competing against a multitude of schools from the North and the South of Tasmania, to Term 1 Volleyball and having so much fun with my amazing peers, to winning gold for my school with the Year 7/8 Hockey team, this year was jam packed and I had a great time playing sport, being active and having fun with my friends. During Term 4 I have represented the College in both the Year 7/8 Netball and Basketball carnivals.
At the end of Term 3 I had the opportunity to go away to Perth, W.A. representing Tasmania in the U14 Australian Hockey Championships. Mount Carmel was so supportive of me and cheered me on whilst I was away. The team was away for 10 days, playing 6 of those days and we finished 5th out of 12 teams, a record-breaking outcome for any Tasmanian girls’ team. I had an incredible time playing away and I'm so excited to bring my experience to the MCC school team next year, so we can bring home gold again!
We would like to thank Poppy for her involvement in a variety of sporting activities this year. Her enthusiasm is a wonderful asset, and her Hockey experience invaluable.