Around the Primary Classes

On Thursday 7th of November, Kinder and the Year 10 VET Child Care class visited the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. We saw some Tassie Devils in action, a sweet wombat looking for snuggles with the park ranger, we patted a blue tongue lizard and fed some kangaroos.
The Year 10 students took the opportunity to guide and support the Kinder students in a new environment. And the Kinder students used their bravery to touch and feed animals, in a calm and respectful way.
It was a wonderful way to celebrate the year and the relationships built between the two classes of students.
What an exciting few weeks we have had in Prep! We have been fortunate to participate in Learn-to-Swim at Collegiate Pool, the Early Years Athletics Carnival and go on an excursion to the Sustainability Centre with Year One. Below are our highlights from these events:
Learn to Swim
Sabiha: I enjoyed swimming because we got to learn to swim in different ways.
Nora: I loved swimming because we got to play in the water.
Finley: At swimming I liked floating on the water. It made me feel calm.
Violet: I enjoyed getting the ‘sinkies’ from the bottom of the pool while swimming.
Sophie: At swimming, we got to jump off the blocks into the deep end.
Hollie: I enjoyed going into the deep end at swimming.
Sustainability Centre Excursion
Lyla: I loved making powder from the bricks and putting it on my arms and face.
Cali: It was fun putting powder on our faces in the bush space.
Madi: I liked putting the powder from the brick on my face.
Early Years Athletics Carnival
Ava: I loved it when we did the obstacle course.
Jasmina: I enjoyed doing all the different activities.
Evie: I loved doing the running races.
Lucy: I came first in the running race and the relay.
Mavis: I had fun doing all the activities.
Florence: I liked getting a ribbon after my relay.
Year 1
Last week, Year 1 Visited the Sustainability Learning Centre at Mount Nelson. The students spent the morning exploring the bushland, building shelters, climbing trees, and navigating the terrain. They walked up and down hills, along bridges and through brush. They challenged themselves to push through some trepidation about being in a new environment and successfully built their teamwork skills. The afternoon was consumed by 'loose parts' play where their creativity and imaginations ran wild! Water play was a clear favourite, followed by building a mouse house and a mud kitchen.
Year 2
Year 2 have been very busy learning about the galaxy and persuasive writing. We went on an exciting excursion to the Grote Reber Museum to consolidate our learning of radio telescopes. We were blown away by Grote Reber's mapping of the Milky Way through the first radio telescope made in his backyard. Each student had a chance to pick up their own radio waves on the small radio telescope.
In persuasive writing, we have learnt how to use many writing techniques such as the rule of three, rhetorical question, emotive language, call to action, and inspire to empower.
Nature Play has been a wonderful connection to nature, where we have been able to regulate our nervous systems and ignite our curiosity.
Year 4
On Tuesday, the Year 4 class went on a long day excursion. When we arrived at the beach, we split into two groups for surfing and building sandcastles. The temperature was cold, so we were all a bit hesitant before we entered the water. The surfing coaches helped us and soon we had all caught a wave. After both groups finished surfing, a Blue Lagoon staff member took us on a ten minute walk to the camp, where we had lunch. We split back into our two groups and one group did the ‘Big Dipper’ while the other group did rock climbing. The ‘Big Dipper’ was a big indoor swing where you get harnessed and then pulled high. On the command of “swing!” you pull a red string and drop so suddenly. For rock climbing, we worked in groups of three. While one person climbed, the other two people helped to keep the rope tight. After dinner, we had a little quiet time to ourselves and on the bus back we were all exhausted, so we were noticeable quiet and calm. We all had a great day and had lots of fun!
Outside School Hours Care
At Mount Carmel's After School Care program, we have spent the first half of this term focusing on creativity, and it’s been wonderful to see the girls so engaged in a wide range of arts and crafts activities. From making gooey slime to some simple colouring in, there has been no shortage of imaginative expression.
Our curriculum is leisure-based, so alongside the creative projects, the children have also been enjoying a variety of board games, fostering teamwork and friendly competition. Recently, we’ve kicked off a group project that the girls themselves have chosen: creating a photo board. The concept is inspired by their perspective, capturing moments and memories through the lens of the girls. Using an iPad, they’ve been busy snapping photos to document their unique view of the world.
In addition to these exciting activities, it’s been wonderful to observe the bonds forming between the after-school care group and the younger children in our Early Learning Centre (ELC). With many new faces in the ELC space, the connections and friendships between the older and younger children are blossoming, making for a warm and supportive after school environment.