A Word from the Principal

Loving God,
As I prepare for my exams, I come before You with a heart full of both hope and anxiety. I thank You for the gift of learning and the opportunity to grow in knowledge. Help me to trust in the abilities You have given me and to approach this time with confidence and calm.
Grant me clarity of mind, focus, and wisdom as I study and sit for my exams. Calm my nerves, Lord, and remind me that my worth is not measured by marks, but by the love and purpose You have for me.
May Your Holy Spirit guide my thoughts and help me recall what I have learned. If I face challenges, give me perseverance and courage to do my best.
I place all my efforts into Your hands and trust in Your will for my future. Whatever the outcome, I know that You walk with me and that I am always enough in Your eyes.
As we approach the end of the academic year, Mount Carmel is buzzing with the rhythm of final exams and assessments. For our students, especially those in Year 10, this can be a time of heightened stress, anticipation, and reflection.
A Time of Growth, Not Just Grades
Exams and assessments are important, but they are not the whole story of a student’s journey. They offer a snapshot - a moment in time that reflects effort, understanding, and resilience. However, they do not define the person. At Mount Carmel, our commitment to holistic education means that we value the development of each girl as a whole person: her character, faith, relationships, creativity, and courage.
Our students are learning far more than the content of their subjects. They are developing life skills - critical thinking, time management, collaboration, and perseverance - that will serve them long after the results are tallied. This is something worth celebrating, regardless of the numbers on a final report.
Supporting Our Students Through Stress
We recognize that this time can be challenging. Stress, when managed well, can be a healthy motivator. However, it’s essential for our young women to know they are not alone. Our teachers, leadership team, and counsellors are here to walk alongside them, offering guidance, encouragement, and practical support.
Parents, too, play an invaluable role during this time. Simple things like ensuring adequate sleep, balanced meals, and opportunities for relaxation can make a significant difference. Above all, remind your daughter that her worth is not measured by an assessment mark but by the unique and irreplaceable person God has created her to be.
Success Beyond the Numbers
At Mount Carmel College, success is not just about achieving high marks - it is about becoming women of compassion, integrity, and faith. These qualities are not graded but are evident in how our students treat others, respond to challenges, and embrace opportunities to grow.
To our students, I encourage you to do your best, but also to trust in the process. Use this time to learn about yourself - your strengths, your needs, and the strategies that help you thrive. Whatever the outcome, know that you are already achieving great things simply by engaging wholeheartedly in your education.
A Message of Gratitude
Finally, I want to express my gratitude to our dedicated staff, who go above and beyond to prepare and support our students, and to our families for fostering an environment where learning is valued and encouraged.
As we pray together for calm hearts and clear minds during this exam season, let us also remember the words of St. Thérèse of Lisieux: “Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them.”
May we approach these days with love, grace, and trust in God’s plan for each of us.
The Louisa Update
Things are really happening! The concrete slab has been laid and the metal framing has commenced. At this stage we continue to be on track for a May opening. Thank you in particular to our ELC parents who have had to navigate new entrances and changes in traffic circumstances. Please see the link below for a birds-eye view of the progress.
Supporting Positive Behaviour
The College is currently in the process of revamping the positive way we support behaviour, communication of our expectations and clarity across the College. Keep an eye out for communication, opportunities to be involved and expectations for next year.