Physical Education

Well, I can’t actually believe it, the 2024 school year is all but over! Where do you even begin when you’ve been asked to wrap up an entire year… I’ll give it my best shot, considering I can’t even remember what I had for dinner tonight. Let’s see…..
- Gymnastics
- European Handball
- Dancing
- Oztag
- Pickleball
- Baseball
- Running Club
- Dancing
- T-ball
- Rounders
- Soccer
- Dancing
- Paris Olympics
- Fitness Circuits
- Dancing
- Puberty Ed
- Volleyball
- Netball
- The (dreaded) Beep Test
- Dancing
- Hockey
- Athletics
- Dancing
- Badminton
- Cricket
- Croquet (just to be a little bit fancy!)
We’ve also had a huge number of students go on to represent our school at both the Division and Regional level of school sport, something I know we’re all super proud of. Sport is something I believe all kids can connect to, whether it be as a true passion and something they have a real talent in or a way to connect with their peers or to simply keep fit and have a really good time. My job is not to make every student love sport. My job is to open the door to the possibilities sport can bring and the joy it can create for those two one-hour sessions each week. Nothing brings me greater happiness in my job then being told by a student how much they love coming to PE, especially those students who may have never enjoyed sport before.
Thanks to each and every one of the wonderful kids I get to see each week. Thanks for all the laughter. Thanks for all the energy and excitement you bring. Thanks for all the dancing. Thanks for making my job such a joy.
Finally, a very fond and heartfelt goodbye to the Year 6 students moving on to high school. There’s no way I can begin to explain how much I will miss you all and how truly grateful I am for the dedication, passion, sweat and love you have brought with you to each and every PE session. I wish each of you the very best of luck with everything you do in life, both on and off the sporting field. Please remember how incredible and unique you all are and that being yourself is more important than anything.
Christmas holidays & 2025 here we come!!