SAKG- Year 5/6

Throughout our gardening sessions, we've been busy creating slug and snail traps, weeding, planting seeds and seedlings, and taking care of our compost. Emma from Landcare joined us to help document the weeds in our garden, which will assist future classes in identifying them. We worked on sketching, labelling, researching, and laminating the weeds found in our garden to create a valuable resource for the school.
Our culinary journey around the world continues, with a variety of dishes we've prepared, including Japanese Seeded Brown Rice Salad, Sushi, Okonomiyaki, Vegetable Gyoza, Chargrilled Middle Eastern Lamb Burgers, Millet, Mint & Tomato Tabbouleh, Afghan Potato Pastries, Beetroot Borani, and Leafy Green Salads.
A big thank you to all the volunteers who have supported our students during this term’s gardening and cooking sessions.