P&F News
End of year message
As we reach the close of the school year, the P&F would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the wonderful staff and teachers of St Pius X College for their significant support and guidance throughout the year.
A special thank you is extended to the P&F Executive, the class parents, our various clubs, and all the amazing volunteers who have contributed their time, talent and treasure to support our students across numerous events in 2024. The impact of your efforts is immeasurable, and your contributions have been vital in strengthening our SPX community.
A special word of thanks to the P&F Executive Committee members Louise Johnston, Renee Sullivan, Rossana Bennett and Barnaby Rands, who, after many years of outstanding service, retired from the P&F this year.
Your P&F Executive Committee members for 2025 are:
- President - Eoin Geaney
- Vice President & Class Parent Co-ordinator - Melinda Zanello
- Secretary - Sonya Sancanin
- Assistant Secretary – Claire Martyn
- Treasurer - Donovan Odendaal
- Social Co-ordinator(s) - Daphne Bewley, Mikey Koruga, Suzanne Kwan
P&F levies are used to support and enhance your sons' experience at SPX. This year, the P&F provided financial support to the following initiatives as part of our efforts to strengthen the St Pius X community.
- Increased the annual P&F contribution towards the year group social events to $1,000 per year group.
- Lowered the entry fee for the Cocktail Party and Trivia Night events.
- Provided additional funding to support the SPX clubs and co-curricular activities.
- Funded the upgrade of the water bubblers at Chatswood College Campus.
As we approach Christmas, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe, peaceful, and holy Christmas. Thank you for being an essential part of our vibrant school community this year. To the staff, students, and parents who are leaving us, you will be greatly missed. To those returning, we look forward to seeing you again in 2025.
Mr Eoin Geaney - P&F President