
Thursday 21st November we welcome back to our school the Bravehearts Personal Safety Program. The Foundation - Year Two students will be learning valuable personal safety education that promotes self esteem and helps build resilience.
Session 1: Year 1 & 2 classes will be 10:15 - 11:00 am
Session 2: Foundation classes will be 11:30 - 12:15 pm
Parents are most welcome to join us in the Multi-Purpose Room
To access further information about ‘Bravehearts’ and Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show visit the link - https://bravehearts.org.au/
Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Program – Parents/Carers Information Guide
We have created a Parents/Carers Information Guide which gives an overview of the show and the topics discussed, to help answer any questions there maybe about the show.
To ensure that the personal safety messaging continues at home. Click here to download the Guide.
As we prepare for the Bushfire season, we encourage our families to view the following short video produced by SchoolTV. Leading adolescent psychologist Micheal Carr-Gregg provides insights to the fact that children can be very vulnerable at such times and don’t always understand what they are seeing. It can make them feel sad, anxious and even stressed.
This week's SchoolTV - Special Report - Talking About Bushfires
Please click the TV image below
WEEK 5 - Talking About Bushfires
WEEK 5 - Navigating AI Relationships
WEEK 4 - Resilience
WEEK 3 - Mindfulness
WEEK 2 - Parenting Styles
WEEK 1 - Managing Overwhelm
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Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader