Classroom News

Buddy Time
Thank you to our amazing buddies for helping us navigate our first year of school! We have so much fun learning from you, playing together and getting to know you. You make us feel welcome, help us with so many things and are always there when we need a friend. Thank you for being awesome role models and for making our first year at school so much fun!
I love having a buddy because they play with you sometimes! Joseph
My buddy and I like to play soccer! Lucas
I love when my buddy reads to me! Ben
I like to build Lego with my buddy outside! Steve
My buddy is a good friend to me! Finbar
My buddy cares for me when I am hurt! Scarlett
My buddy is so caring and he gives me the ball when we play soccer! Pablo
I love how my buddy checks if I am okay! Elena
Year 1
Each day in Reading, the Year 1s dive into the 'Daily 5': Read to Self, Read to Someone, Word Work, Listen to Reading or Work on Writing. With their own personalised book boxes, the children are enhancing their reading skills and fostering independence through engaging activities. Whether they're enjoying a quiet reading session, partnering up for a story, or working on exciting new words, the Year 1s are building confidence and becoming passionate readers.
I like reading with my friends during 'Read to Someone'. I also like 'Read to Self'. I enjoy reading "Stuck in the Mud" in my book box. -Audrey
The cover on my book box looks like real space. I have two books in my book box. I enjoy 'Read to Someone' -Liam
A book that is in my book box is "The Fantastic Cake". I like the pictures in the stories and I like using my book box. -Bruno
I like that my group sometimes gets to use iPads and sometimes we read using books. Both of them make me happy. I like reading because you can get smarter. -Valentino
I enjoy having a cool book box. I have unbelievably cool books to read and I like reading them. I like doing 'Read to Self' because I can read different books. - Ruan
Year 2/3
Hello Families,
I hope you have all recovered from the joys of Book Week. This week I had the privilege of taking the year 3’s on an excursion to The Immigration Museum. We were joined with other classes and we all had a great time. Catching the train to the museum, enjoying the lesson planned by the Immigration Museum and exploring the museum was such a fun-filled day. A huge thank you to the families that were able to help out on the day. Your care and dedication is greatly appreciated. Please enjoy the photos from the day.
Year 3/4
On Tuesday 28th August, the Year 3/4’s had the opportunity to go on a school excursion into the city to the Immigration Museum. We walked down from the school to the Bell Station to catch the train. Teachers and Parents came with us too.
We went into the Long Room. We heard people talking about how big the room was. We saw a number of columns and we were both amazed. We felt that the room was cold.
By Austin & Amy
On Tuesday we went to the Immigration museum. We saw mini paintings, the paintings were colorful. There was one that was black and white, the face had stripes of black and white on the side, the eye was black. We saw two black and white small paintings that said "similar but opposite” to each other. We also saw a wood painting that looked good.
By Olivia & Raffaela
Immigration Museum
In the Immigration Museum we did some activities about the wooden panel, Laos banner and the cloak.
The Possum Cloak
The possum cloak was real and had a story under it. Basically, when a baby is born they get a possum skin to keep warm and as they age they get more possum skins and write their story on it, along with some Australian native animals.
By Mason
Wood Panel
The wooden panel was about a family who sadly left their house and country because of war. I think Australia was very different, with different trees, cities and weather.
By Aisha
The Banner
The banner was for the Laos people because they left their home country and came to Australia because of war happening in Laos and other nearby countries. They made a banner to represent their life story.
By Sai
On Tuesday we went to the Immigration Museum. We looked at the interviews, we learnt that some people were rejected because they have a sickness, a disease or are deaf or blind. There was a Greek family and they got rejected because their 6 year old daughter was deaf. The Chinese woman wanted to see her brothers and wanted a safe place to live, she was scared and was warned by the Chinese Police. Her friends got arrested and she wanted to go to Australia because she got a warning from the police, so she was interviewed and passed the interview!
By Mia, Laura, Georgia & Arvin
Japan bombing china
Japan was bombing China because China called them weak. So Japan bombed cities and many people were affected such as old grandpas, grandmas, pregnant women, men, children and many others. Japan showed no mercy and had no respect for the people of China. So after the war, when Japan stopped bombing China , Japan helped them build hospitals and schools and many other things . So the Chinese emperor gave the Japanese 2 pandas and said sorry to each other.
By Massie & Lawrence
On the train
When Massie got on the train, he took his rubik’s cube out of his backpack and gave it to Arvin, so he could mix up the cube for me. I turned the cube this way and that way and sped up and solved the cube in 47 seconds. Next I gave it to Sai so he could mix it up as well and I finished it in 1 minute. Then I played chopsticks and never lost 1 game and kept on winning even though I went first! Then Sai, Arvin and I played 2 truth 1 lie and we all were neck and neck non-stop! Then we arrived at Flinders street station and got off the train.
By Massie
Possum cloaks
Every aboriginal baby when they are born they get 2 possum skin sewed together when they grow up their cloak would get bigger and bigger. In our school Terri (Marty’s wife) is an aboriginal person. Eva and Chloe respect the traditional owners of this land and we respect the past, present and emerging. The possum cloak was very soft.
By Chloe & Eva
Year 4 / 5
On Tuesday, the year 4 students, together with the year 3 students, visited the Immigration Museum in the city. Here they were able to explore and celebrate all about Victoria's very rich multicultural heritage, this fitting in well with our term's Inquiry topic, People of Australia.
I learnt about the different waves of immigrants that came to Australia and Victoria and how some came for peace because their land was sometimes dangerous. I enjoyed how we got to experience different things about them. Shamus
There were lots of thighs to see at the Immigration Museum. I saw how there were lots of people who came from other countries to Australia because it was safe here and maybe because they wanted to find gold during the gold rush. Azariah
The Immigration Museum had a lot of colorful and amazing objects from migrants who came to Victoria. My favorite part of the Immigration Museum was when we had to answer questions that were in our luggage by doing a certain taste in the museum. Brenton
The excursion to the Immigration Museum was a unique experience and a very good experience for me. I had never been there before. I really enjoyed seeing how many different cultures had migrated to Australia and why they had come out. Nirav
At the Immigration Museum there were a lot of things that told us about people in the past who came to live here. It was really cool and my favorite part was when I saw a giant gold nugget! Tristan
I really enjoyed how there were so many sections with plenty of historical items at the Immigration Museum. My favorite part of this excursion was the gold rush part because I saw lots of interesting items like shoes and clothes from what people used to wear. I also saw suitcases that were used when people migrated here many years ago and also the toys that children used to play with years ago. Kaitlyn
Year 5 / 6
Exhibition of Inquiry Learning Thursday 12th September
We have been busy in class over the past month or so preparing for our exhibition of learning which is taking place on Thursday, 12th September. The students have been finishing off their picture story books as well as some Art pieces. We are really looking forward to showcasing our learning. Keep the date free please!!
The Olympic Games
My Place ~ Picture Story Books
Alex Mateski is in the midst of raising funds for a place that is close to his heart, the Olivia Newton John Institute. He has organised a walkathon which is taking place next week. Please donate to this fantastic cause, and congratulations Alex on this extremely worthwhile initiative!