Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community,
Happy Father's Day
To all our dads and important male figures in our lives
Foundation Students
Maxwell: "I went to a movie called Garfield with dad, he chooses good movies"
Pablo: "I like my dad because he gives me lots of stuff"
Ada H: "I like my dad because he lets me go to the sports I like, like gymnastics"
Year One Students
Audrey: "He always takes me to the park and he gives me bike rides"
Aiden: "He looks after me when I am scared and he plays with me"
Stella: "My dad always lets me eat ice cream and he always lets me play with my Nintendo Switch"
Year Two Students
Lance: "He makes me smile"
Madelyn: "He makes me laugh when he tickles me"
Year Three Students
Kaiden: "He's very funny, I love his jokes"
Luke: "He's always making new things at our house like a plant wall"
Year Four Students
Cody: "My dad always takes care of me and is really fun. My Pa is always there for me"
Tristan: "My dad is a really caring and a nice person"
Year Five Students
Aleisha: " My dad is kind, funny and smart"
Roman: "My dad teaches me about my passions like the Roman Empire and he's funny"
Year Six Students
Onella:"He is very funny and very supportive of me, he is a lovable person"
Izaac: " He always tries his best, and he never gives up"
Daffodil Day Fundraiser
Next Tuesday September 3rd, we are having a walk-a-thon around our school to raise much needed funds for the Olivia Newton John hospital.
Sponsorship forms were sent home on Monday with each student. The day after, our Year Four student Massie and his mum Jina returned their sponsorship form with $71.00 as pictured. Next Tuesday promises to be a special day as we raise much need funds into research for combating this terrible disease.
Swimming Program
Parents of students in Years Foundation to Year Four will receive a notification tonight with details of the school swimming program which will take place from Monday 9th September until Thursday 12th September. Like last year the program will run for four sessions at the Northcote Aquatic Centre.
Grilled Northland - Donation to Sacred Heart
As mentioned in previous newsletters, Grilled Northland have chosen our school as a community partner for the month of September. During September all customers are given a token to place in the jar of the community partner they would most like to support. The community partner with the most tokens is given a valuable financial reward. As someone who likes his burgers, I can recommend the Grilled Zen Hen!
Teacher Appreciation
This week's staff member in the spotlight for all they bring to Sacred Heart - Terri
Father's Day Stall
Our Father's Day Stall takes place tomorrow Friday 30th August. All classes will visit the stall in the morning and have an opportunity to purchase a present for the special male figure in their lives. All presents are $5.00 with students having the opportunity to purchase two gifts. If any gifts are left over then students if they wish can purchase another gift.
Some Scenes from this Week at Sacred Heart
Exhibition of Learning
Save the Date
Mission Mass - Talent Show (after Mass in the school MPR)
Sunday 20th October - keep the date with details to follow
Yours Sincerely