Grade 5 News

Important Reminders
Please return your child's medical and dietary forms to school so planning for camp can be finalised.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, September 13th - School Disco
Monday, September 16th - Inquiry Celebration Open Morning
Friday, September 20th - Last Day of Term (2.30 dismissal)
Monday, October 6th - First day of Term 3
Wednesday 16th- Friday 18th of October - Grade 5 Camp to Anglesea Discovery Camp
Learning in Action
This fortnight, Grade 5 students have been working on literacy skills, focusing on quoted and reported speech. They've been learning how to identify the difference between the two by analysing newspaper articles and understanding how perspectives are presented. Through this, students are gaining insights into how journalists use direct quotes and reported speech to tell stories. They have also started drafting their own newspaper articles, choosing a notable figure from Australian history to write about, applying what they've learned about speech and perspectives in their writing.
Preview for Learning:
Over the following fortnight students will be finalising this term's work by publishing their newspaper report. In Reading, students will continue analysing different newspaper articles and understanding the different components such as pictures, headings, captions and the language used to engage the reader.
This fortnight, Grade 5 students have been deepening their understanding of decimals. They’ve been learning to rename, order, add, subtract, and multiply decimals while also focusing on their individual goals to improve their skills. In addition to decimals, students have continued exploring angles. Using protractors, they’ve measured and created their own angles, and have been identifying different types, such as obtuse and acute angles. These activities have helped students build both their math knowledge and hands-on skills.
Preview for Learning:
Over the next fortnight, students will be wrapping up their unit on decimals and angles. They will work through their "prove it" sheets to demonstrate their understanding and assess their progress on individual goals. This will help them see how much they have improved in key areas such as renaming, ordering, adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals.
Grade 5 students have been thoroughly engaged in researching and learning about their chosen notable figure from Australian history. They are carefully creating detailed timelines that highlight the key events in their figure’s life, while also working on maps to pinpoint the locations where these important events took place. This project allows students to dive deep into history, understand the impact of these figures, and connect events to real-world geography. With all their hard work coming together, students are eagerly looking forward to stepping back in time and presenting their research and projects to the class on the final Monday of Term 3. This will be a chance for them to showcase their knowledge and creativity.
History Incursion
On Thursday, 29th of August, the Grade Fives took a fascinating step back in time during our History Box incursion. Students were fully immersed in the 1800s and 1900s, exploring the clothing, food, and housing of that era. They also delved into life on the goldfields, gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges and lifestyle of the time. The students then participated in hands-on activities, including playing a traditional Indigenous game called "Ngaka Ngaka" (look, look), crushing herbs using a mortar and pestle, and practising their finest handwriting with ink and quill. It was an exciting, interactive day filled with learning and fun!
Calm Kids
The Calm Kids program will commence in the week of 26th August with Kim. The Calm Kids program will cover a number of key concepts such as:
- What is anxiety and why do some people have it?
- Everyone worries but it doesn’t need to stop us from doing things
- Our thoughts create feelings and our feelings impact our actions
- Identifying when you are overthinking
- Thinking Traps and how to manage them
- How to be more positive and why it is important
- Worry bullies
- Grounding technique (for when things start to spiral)
- The importance of relaxation, breathing, and mindfulness
- Sleep and disconnecting