Grade 3 News

Important Reminders
Tuesday September 10: Student Led Conferences
Friday September 13: School Disco
Monday September 16th: Celebration Morning
Friday September 20th: Last Day of Term 3 - 2.30pm finish
Homework 👍 Mathletics and reading. For those wishing to practise their Maths Masters skills, we have linked the belts with some online games. Your child should be able to tell you what belt they are practising All master belts
Swimming -every Tuesday till the end of Term 3. Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled, so that we can ensure the right clothes end up back with the right student.
Please remind your child of the NO Hat NO play sunsmart policy
Learning in Action
Students have continued reading biographies about a variety of well known people, including Anh Do, and Jessica Watson. We have been inferring character traits and personal strengths of these characters, by analysing the author’s careful word choice. We identified that Jessica Watson is brave, and adventurous through the use of words and phrases such as ‘sailing solo, unassisted around the world’. The students eagerly and excitedly took notes as they listened to their teachers tell their own life stories. There were many curious questions asked and more frantic notes were taken. The students will use these notes to write a biography of their teacher.
The students will use their notes to write a biography of their teacher, which the teachers are looking forward to reading. The students will have the opportunity to write a biography about their chosen class mate, which they are super excited about.
This fortnight, students have continued to work on their division goals as well as focusing on the difference between finding the partition and finding the quotition. They have also been working hard using different strategies to solve division worded problems. The Grade 3s have also enjoyed constructing three dimensional shapes such as cubes and triangular based prisms, focusing on labelling faces, edges and vertices. Understanding symmetry and transformation has been another focus this past fortnight with students having to identify and draw lines of symmetry.
Next fortnight, students will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and strategies of division and multiplication when playing games and puzzles with their peers.
This fortnight, students have continued rotations to different Grade 3 teachers to learn more about specific parts of Aboriginal culture. Students learnt about another one of the following topics: food, shelter, tools and art. With Mrs Huxley, students have been exploring the different foods that Aboriginal people ate, and comparing that food to what we eat in modern Australia. With Miss Du Vallon, students have discovered how and what traditional shelters were made out of. They then also got a chance to design their own shelter using different materials. With Mrs Alexander, students are learning about Aboriginal symbols represented in traditional artwork, and creating their own symbols to tell their own stories. Mrs Stokol shared different traditional tools and how they were used in a variety of geographical environments. Students have been creating diagrams about the materials used, the locations they were used in, and what they looked like.
Next fortnight, students will complete their last rotation and finish off activities in preparation for our Inquiry Open Morning.
This fortnight, we have completed two Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationship sessions for our new topic Gender and Identity. Students began the topic by playing a Human Bingo game, where they learnt about similarities and differences between themselves and peers, and also what makes up their own identity or individuality. Students then created an identity wheel, by recording their interests and preferences. This enabled students to again learn about the similarities and differences that exist between themselves and between people in their class. Grade 3 students compared whether there were similarities and differences between the identity wheels created by boys and girls. We discussed the importance of boys and girls being able to have whichever interests and preferences that they wish, regardless of their gender.
Next fortnight, we will celebrate the fun that friendship is and share about what things we can do to have fun with our friends. Students will also create a Birthday Party Plan, that considers the best way to remain kind, fair and respectful to everybody when planning a birthday party. They will also plan for what they will do if they find out they haven’t been invited to a birthday party. Students will learn to understand that it’s impossible to invite everyone and be invited to every party every single time… and that is okay.
Grade 3 Team
Mrs Stokol, Miss Du Vallon, Mrs Alexander, Mrs Huxley and Mrs Rosewarne