Grade 1 News

Important Reminders
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
Grade 1 Library is on Thursdays. Please ensure your child has their library bag so they can borrow weekly.
Grade 1 students will be attending an incursion on the 11th of September. Please check Compass for details and to allow permission.
Readers are swapped on Mondays- Please make sure your child brings their old reader and 'Take Home' bag every Monday. Students are required to bring their take-home bags to school daily.
A few upcoming dates-
Wednesday 11th September: Grade 1 Incursion
Friday 13th September: School Disco
Monday 16th September: Celebration Morning
Each Tuesday in weeks 6-10: Swimming Program
Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term (2.30 dismissal)
The Lysterfield Primary School SunSmart policy states that students will be asked to wear a sun-protective hat from mid-August until April. All students are expected to be wearing their school hats from Monday 26th. Students who do not have their hats will be required to play under the shade and shelter. Please ensure your child's hat is named.
Our swimming program has commenced and we are so proud of the way grade 1 students listened to their teachers to adjust to the new routine of a new swimming centre and schedule.
Just a few reminders:
- Students are encouraged to wear their bathers underneath their school clothes.
- Could you please ensure all items of clothing (school uniform and bathers) are clearly labelled with your child’s name
- In addition to their normal school bag, could you please pack a small bag for students to take to swimming which has a towel, thongs/crocs & goggles (if wearing them)
- Students will change into their thongs/crocs at school, before departing for swimming so will not take their runners to the pool.
- Given the change of routine, there will be some changes to eating times for Grade 1 students, including an additional snack time once returning to school from swimming. Could you please add in an extra snack to your child’s lunch box for swimming days?
- Lost property is located outside the sick bay
- Only Lysterfield staff are allowed in changing rooms
Swimming times for Grade 1 classes are as follows:
1I and 1PR swimming session: 12:55 – 1:25
1A swimming session: 1:25-1:55
If you have any further questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
Learning in Action
Learning in Action:
This fortnight students have been learning about adverbial hows. Students were asked to identify adverbial hows in paragraphs as well as use them in their writing. The students have started looking at Personal Narratives. Students identified the vocabulary and features in a personal narrative and started to plan their Narrative using the language ‘first, next, then’.
With Student Led Conferences underway, students this week practised what they would present to their families. We would like to congratulate the students who have already had their conference and we are looking forward to next week's conferences.
Preview for Learning:
Students will continue writing a Personal Narrative which they will be proudly showing off on celebration morning. Students will also be reading Personal Narratives and making connections to them.
Learning in Action:
In Maths this fortnight students have celebrated the completion of their learning of the maths concept Division! Students can confidently utilise various materials/strategies to solve worded division equations such as counters or drawings. It is encouraged that if a “sharing” situation arises at home, enlist the help of your child to solve the problem. These incidental learning experiences are so important and wonderful at connecting maths concepts to the real world.
Following on from this, students have been immersed in the world of Fractions! This has involved understanding equal and unequal groups and defining the word “fraction” as parts of a shape or a collection that make a whole. Reinforcing that for these parts to be shared equally/fairly, they need to be of the same size.
Students also made connections to the time it takes to complete real-life tasks. By ordering events from the shortest amount of time to the longest amount of time.
Preview for learning
In the upcoming fortnight, students will continue on with their learning of Fractions and make comparisons between seconds, minutes and hours.
This fortnight we have been using our 'Reflect' Learner Profile trait as we have looked back over the different civilizations we have explored together this term.
Week 1: Early Indigenous Australians (65,000 years ago)
Week 2: Ancient Egypt (5,000 years ago)
Week 3: Ancient China (4,000 years ago)
Week 4: Medieval Times (800 years ago)
Week 5: Life in Australia in the early 1800s (200 years ago)
Week 6: Life in Australia in the1900s (150 years ago)
We have enjoyed hearing students reflect on their learning and the personal connections they have made to these different time periods. They are very excited to share their timelines with you on Celebration Morning, but here's a sneak peek of some of their amazing work!
Due to our busy week with swimming, our wellbeing lessons have looked a little different in Grade 1. We have been discussing mindfulness and talking about what mindfulness looks like in our classrooms. We have also been discussing how mindfulness can help us feel calm and strengthen our brain. To do this, we have been listening to guided meditations that focus on breathing and different strategies to make us feel calm.
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Grade 1 award winners.
Grade 1 |
1i - Levi W |
1A - Blair K & |
1PR - Josh B & Levi H |
From the Grade 1 teachers,
Caillin Ibbotson, Isabella Albanese, Kayla Pepper & Rachel Ryan