Prep News

Important Reminders!
All important dates and events are on ou Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
- Student led conferences: Thursday 5th September & Tuesday 10th September
- End of Term 3 Friday 20th September
- Parent Helpers PMP Term 4 - Please complete the Google form below to put your name down to assist
Learning in Action
Literacy:In Reading, students have been listening to stories where they have made connections to their personal lives and retold the events sequentially. Improving students’ reading fluency has been a particular area of focus. Students have engaged in partner reading, working on pointing under the words, paying attention to punctuation marks, rereading, and finding and fixing mistakes.
In Writing, students have continued to write personal narratives. Students played with hula hoops and went on an excursion to MoPA, which became the basis of their writing. Students were encouraged to write about what they did and key details such as what happened, who was there and how they felt.
In Word Work, students have been revising the sounds they have learnt and applying them to decode and encode words. We have started a new program called ‘PhORmes’ where students engage in daily spelling, reading and writing. Students also practise heart words, which have tricky spelling patterns to remember.
Preview - Students will listen to texts and describe how they feel about the characters and events. They will engage in another experience to write a personal narrative about.
Maths: As we have now finished our Whole Number Unit, we are reviewing Addition and Subtraction for the remainder of the Term. Students have revised what Addition means ‘adding two numbers together’ and Subtraction ‘taking parts away from a total’. Students have continued working on their individual Addition and Subtraction goals and have also engaged in various activities to consolidate their understanding of adding and subtracting numbers.
We completed our time unit, where students learnt vocabulary about ‘yesterday’ (the day that happened before), ‘today’ (the present day we are currently on) and ‘tomorrow’ (the day that is happening one day in the future). Students were able to draw various events that happened in their lives yesterday, today and tomorrow and also drew pictures about their daily routine ie. waking up, having breakfast, brushing their teeth, getting dressed and going to school.
To finish the Term, students will learn about the new concept of ‘Mass’ and the meaning of ‘hefting’ to measure an item's weight and identify if the item is ‘lighter or heavier’ with their hands.
Preview- Next week students will continue working on their addition and subtraction goals. We will also continue our Mass unit, and end the term looking at capacity.
Inquiry:Preps have been learning about our grandparents' experiences growing up and the toys they played with. We compared these with our own experiences growing up and had a discussion.
Preview- Students will be creating a timeline showcasing their lives.
WELLBEING: Students have been learning about positive play. We took time to discuss and share the activities that can help reduce our stress levels. We then independently drew a picture of a coping strategy and wrote a sentence describing how their coping strategies can help them.
Preview- In Friendology we will complete our final session that ‘ties’ all our learning together, reviewing the key concepts.
Thank you to all the Fathers and Special people for attending our Fathers/Special Persons Day! The Preps loved welcoming you into their classrooms and spending time with you playing some games, building and decorating their heart magnets. We hope the Preps spoiled you and celebrated what an amazing person you are!
Student Awards
We would like to wish the following students a Happy Birthday:
Prep B
Summer - 2nd September
Class Timetables
Danielle Sandeman, Amanda Remington and Jess Bouloukis
Prep Teachers