Classroom News

Hats are now required to be worn at school. If your child does not bring a hat, they will need to play undercover. Children will also be required to wear their hats in some PE lessons. We highly recommend putting your child's name on them.
A friendly reminder that Production tickets are now for sale. Please see the whole school DOJO posts for this information.
Each child will require a black base for the production - jeans, leggings, plain black t-shirt etc. They will need this for the rehearsal date (11th of September) and production day (12th of September).
We have completed our numeracy unit on multiplication and division. It was a hands-on learning unit, which allowed our Preps to build practical skills when manipulating concrete materials to solve simple sharing problems. We shared food with sheep, animals into enclosures, food into lunchboxes, toppings onto slices of pizza and cookies onto plates.
We are continuing to build our understanding of how to use key colourful semantic fragments and turn them into sentences. We have been using fun LLLL picture prompts to generate ideas and simple sentences. We have written about Kit Moss and Tip at the swimming pool and Big Teg and Meg on the dodgem cars. This week we had ‘writer’s choice’ and we were allowed to choose what we wrote about. One option was Mum and Dad at Bunnings and the other option was Dad and Sam the dog at the golf course.
Next week is our final swimming lesson at Bluewater. The Preps have loved this social swimming program and have enjoyed going on the bus. Again, we thank those of you who have come to help us. It wouldn’t be possible without you and it is very much appreciated.
We wish every Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, Brother, Son, Cousin and Friend a very Happy Father’s Day. We are also thinking of those wonderful men who are no longer with us.
“I like Gemma teaching us lots of things that I didn’t know before I started Prep and getting stamps for my reading.“ - Millicent Gardiner
“When we play with the toys, learning about sharing and playing with the Barbies” - Fletcher Donnelly
“Playing with the toys, in the playground and learning the heart words.” - Ishaan Pinca
“I like doing patterns and learning all the heart words.” - Eana Soliman
Gemma Blake
Meg Knight
This week the Year 1 class welcomed back Judy from her overseas trip. We loved receiving emails from Judy while she was away and tracking her all the places she visited on the map. The children were so excited to have Judy back with big hugs and flowers.
James: Judy went on a big aeroplane.
Fletcher: Judy went to the Kruger National Park and my mum and dad have been there too.
Kalli: Judy and Sophie saw basking sharks in Northern Ireland.
Winnie: I loved hearing about Windsor Castle and Judy seeing the corgis.
Charli: Judy told us all about the animals she saw on her safari.
Next week will be our last swimming lesson and it will be safety week. We have been very proud of all the children and how well they have listened and enjoyed their time in the pool.
Tomorrow is Year 2 Emma/Mandy’s Prayer Gathering on Father’s Day. The following week will be the Year 1 Prayer Gathering. We look forward to sharing this special prayer time with our families.
Hats are to be returned to school to wear at break time. It feels great to be out in the playground with the sunshine.
Year 1 and 2 students will need to wear a black t-shirt and black pants for the concert. Tickets are on sale now!
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
Paula Parish
Emma Roberts
Matt O'Dowd
Amanda Delorenzo
Congratulations to the Year 3 students who completed their Confirmation and Eucharist sacraments over the weekend. We were so proud of the way you conducted yourselves during your Celebration Masses. We hope that you have many positive memories of your special weekend.
Last week we had a visit from Stephanie of Colac Police, who taught us all about Cybersafety. Her presentation was very informative and engaging for the children, and we thank her for giving up her time to come and speak with us.
Today we will be showing Kristy how hard we have been practising our routines for our upcoming school production. We are getting really excited about showing you the fantastic show we have put together! Please remember that your children will require a black ‘base’ of a black shirt and black pants to go underneath their costume. These items can be brought into school (labelled please) any time from now until Monday 9th September. If you have any questions or concerns about this please contact your child’s teacher as soon as possible.
Next week begins our compulsory period of hat-wearing outside. All students are expected to wear a school uniform broad brimmed hat when outdoors. Children who don’t have a hat on will be asked to remain in the shaded area of the courts. No exceptions. Hats are available for sale from the school office.
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Liza Alexander
Kascha Blair
Matt Absalom
We have been very busy this term rehearsing for our whole school production. We have been practicing our dance every day, working on synchronizing our moves and transitioning.
In Inquiry, we have been learning about natural disasters and the effects they have on the surroundings and in Writing we are learning about the structure of narrative stories, and how to make them more engaging.
In Maths this term Year 6 have been learning decimals.
Every second week in Term 3, we go to a nearby field/school to do 6 sports we have chosen beforehand.
The Year 6 Melbourne camp is happening Week 2 Term 4 from Wednesday to Friday.
From now until the end of the year, we are all required to wear hats during recess time because UV levels are predicted to be very high and skin cancer may occur.
By Frankie and Vinh
Jade LoRicco
Rachel Downard
Leah Martin
Dan Cannon
Maegen Potter