Student Leadership

A Busy Term for SRC
Student Representative Council (SRC) have had a busy term so far, with School Review interviews, Policy and Procedure reviews, discussions about Mobile Phone policy, Uniform policy and Talk Trash Pick Up Trash.
Year 9 Student Leadership Team spoke with the SRC about the up coming fundraising. The junior SRC sub committee are currently planning ideas for a proposed Junior Formal.
Students decided to stay with the current Mobile Phone Policy, however, are monitoring the procedures and processes. Mobile phones are to be turned off and locked in locker while at school. If a mobile phone is used during school without permission there is a three-step process. First time, phone goes to front office, locked and then collected by student at the end of the day. Second time, parent must pick phone up from the front office at the end of the day. Third time, the student’s phone is not allowed at school. Special arrangements can be made however, it can be given to front office at the beginning of school to be locked and then collected at the end of the day. If a student requires the phone for a learning activity planned by their teacher. Teachers can give students permission to use in class, but it must be returned to secured locker immediately after class.
SRC members plan and run assemblies for the whole school each fortnight. They have added excitement, celebration and fun in a very informative way. Students are being given the opportunity to speak about camps and experiences at school to share their learning journey. Communication has improved with regular assemblies.
Mrs Donna Tucker
SRC Co-ordinator