Secondary News

Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) and Food Handlers Micro Credential Course
On Tuesday Week 5, Year 9, 10 and some senior students from Edenhope College and Goroke College completed their certificates In Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) and Food Handlers.
VM and VPC Integrated Community Project: Jupiter’s Café
The whole Team of VM and VPC students developing literacy skills as they plan and develop advertising, undertaking reseach and development as they develop a business as their integtrated studies project. Hope, Lilly, Marlee, Chloe, Sierra and Bella.
Mrs Oliver, helps Lilly, Sierra and Marlee use Excel spreadsheets to develop best practice as the students plan for their first Café. Developing and applying Numeracy skills in the integrated studies project.
Year 7/8 Elective Automotives
Breaking down and rebuilding a four-stroke internal combustion engine.
Students in Year 7 and 8 Elective Automotives enjoyed the challenge of dismantling a four-cylinder internal combustion engine model, to then check that they had all the parts and then begin the task of rebuilding. As students began their learning journey with automotives, a senior student Clancy Shirreff shared his expertise as a VET student completing Units 1-4 Automotive Technology Studies in one year and doing work experience with Shane Adams at the West Wimmera Shire Council workshop. Clancy introduced the engine components to the students and explained how they worked in systems.
VM Fire Wardens
VM students took on the roles of fire wardens and assisted with a successful fire drill recently. It is important to regularly do fire drills so that everyone is familiar with what to do in an emergency situation should one ever arise.
Mrs Freeman