The WHPS Spec team have been working really hard to learn the songs and choreography ready to perform at the State School Spectacular in only a few weeks time.


On Wednesday 28th August we had a huge rehearsal at the Melbourne Town Hall with hundreds of Government Primary and Secondary School Students. It was so exciting seeing it all coming together with the solo singers blowing us away with their amazing singing voices. We can’t wait to see it all on show with costumes, lights and the full cast at John Cain Arena on September 14th for a 1pm and 6.30pm show. 


WHPS were lucky enough to have 2 of our students selected to do a pre recorded interview which will hopefully be shown as part of the promotional materials used. 


Thank you to Dinuli (Grade 6) and Naomi (Grade 5) for representing our school so confidently and proudly.


Ticket Information for those who would like to attend the performance on Saturday 14th September - WHPS are part of the Mass Choir singing Part 1.




Mrs Roughton and Miss Quinn