From the Principal
Jonathon Arnott
From the Principal
Jonathon Arnott
We are all geared-up and ready to open our gates to the public this Friday. Staff and students are busily putting the final touches on what should be a great Open Day!
We have a large number of industry exhibitors attending and students are encouraged to take the time to go around and talk to them about post-school opportunities. The exhibitors are very keen to engage with our students, because as we know, Cunderdin Ag graduates are highly sought after.
Triple M will be broadcasting from the College on the day and interviewing our students and staff, so make sure you tune in for a listen. Looking forward to celebrating all things Cunderdin Ag and hope to see you there!
I joined our students at the Dowerin Field Days last Wednesday and Thursday and was very impressed. I had conversations with many past students who spoke glowingly of their time at the College. I had several people compliment our students on both their dress and behaviour. Congratulations to our students in the judging competition who took out every place position!
The School Ball was held at the Parmelia Hilton on Saturday 31 August. It was great to see everyone dressed up and enjoying themselves in a social setting. Everyone behaved splendidly and got into the spirit of the evening. DJ Eff Sharp put on a great show and had the students glued to the dancefloor all evening.
We have recently had a spike in unsafe and antisocial behaviour in our learning environments, and it is disappointing that this had to be addressed with the students at this week's assembly. Apart from the impact it has on student learning, students are putting themselves at risk of seriously hurting themselves or others, something which would not be tolerated in a workplace environment. Any conversations parents could have with their children about the importance of safe and acceptable behaviour would be much appreciated.
Jonathon Arnott