Term 3

Senior School Update:



Students at WHC are encouraged to ‘Call Out’ poor behaviours they may be exposed to, witness, or hear of in our community.


If you hear something that is not right, or feel uncomfortable in our community, we want to hear from you! 


Students are encouraged to email their Year Level address, where concerns will be resolved. 





If you are in year 10, 11 or 12 in 2025, are creative, enjoy making art, enjoy being outside and maybe thinking about a pathway in art, design or architecture...this opportunity is for you! 

We are launching our first ever Senior Years Art and Design camp to Sydney and Bundanon NSW April 30th - May 3rd, 2025. Only 20 spots available! 


Students and staff fly to Sydney, visit galleries and artist studios, stay the night overlooking the Sydney Opera House. The next day we take a charter bus to Bundanon Riversdale Art Education precinct to stay onsite and participate in three days of artist - run workshops immersed in the Shoalhaven River landscape. We have special guest evening workshops, including a First Nations artist and a low light night photography session. On the last day we bus back to Sydney and fly home. 


If students are interested, can they please email Miss Fecondo or Mr West as soon as possible.


Parent/student online information session for Sydney Art camp


next Thursday 29th August, 2024

scan the QR code below to join the meeting or this link:

Year 10:

On Wednesday 17th September the Yr. 10 Environmental Studies classes headed to the You Yangs for some practice hikes. On the day we hiked around 10km, including the East-West Walk and the Flinders Peak hike. We were blessed with weather, especially after post-phoning a beautiful day from the week before, and the students showed great resilience and optimism on the day. 


Thanks to Ms Sutton and Zac Larkins for coming along to assist on the day. 


Year 11:


Year 11 Making and Exhibiting students are working on their final artworks based on the theme of 'fantasy'. Students are working in a range of mediums, materials and scales. Students have trialled works and are working on refining and resolving them, keep up the hard work gang! 



Year 12:

Term three is done and only two more weeks of scheduled classes left for our yr 12 cohort – time has really flown fast. 


Planning is well in progress for the last term, including celebration day, the final yr 12 college assembly and graduation. 


Wednesday was our End of Term Social/Celebration at the City of Geelong Bowls Club Marquee. What a great evening and all students looked superb in their formal attire. The photobooth was working overtime and it was great to see the friendship groups taking time to have a group photo. A special thankyou to all the staff who attended and made the night enjoyable for all.


One very good piece of advice is how to use their upcoming school break. As the majority of VCE subjects will have finished their course content (give or take a few SAC’s), the 2 weeks out of school can be a valuable preparation time. Planning the days, Monday to Friday (9 – 4) like a normal school day, with a recess and lunch break would not only not break the normal routine but give 60 hours of study time! With the added bonus of giving student enough time to work normal shifts, sport and weekends.


It is also important to note:

  • Stress will be building up – so a quick walk/run/gym session can refocus the brain
  • Sleep is important – over 7hrs per night is more effective than a 2:00AM study session.
  • Hydration is also important for effective brain function.
  • Rotating subjects will make study effective.
  • Leaving the phone out of the room will also give a better focus.

I am also pleased to announce that we have finally found a venue for our year 12 Social event for this term, (apologies for the late notice but it seems Geelong is a busy place over these weeks!) The Marquee at Geelong City Bowls club, Ballarat Road Wednesday 18th September, from 7 to 10, Dress to impress, collar and tie! Tickets are $40 per student, paid at the General office or hopefully online next week. The event is alcohol free.


As we go into this break, for those students in VCE, the next couple of weeks is not only a good time to reset but also start preparation for the last push to the exams. One piece of advice from our last ELEVATE session was to spend the next two weeks working like it is still a school week, using the normal school timetable as a guide for which subjects to study and when. Working Monday to Friday, there is enough time for a break, but suddenly there is 60+ hrs of study behind you.


While on the break, several teachers have set times to help students throughout the holidays:


Finally. I have emailed everyone this week looking for grade 6 or year 7 photos of any student who joined WHC after year 7 for graduation.  Thanks for those prompt replies, but if you are finding it hard to put your hands on a school photo, any from around that time would help!


Have a safe and relaxing break!




Saint Ignatius College Geelong warmly welcomes your students to our 2024 VCE Lecture Series which is held during the first week of the Term 3 break. Further information, including presenter details, times and registrations can be found via this link -->


Students in year 12 Art Making + Exhibiting are working on their final major artworks that are due this week!

Here is a sneak peek into what they are creating...


Artist: Mitchell Memoli

Artform: Digital Art - printed large scale

Mitchell is using Adobe Illustrator to create a vector-based digital artwork, which allows him to enlarge his artwork to any size. Mitchell is working on the print size and exhibition plan for his final artwork.