From the Principal's Desk

As we pray together, it is a time to  think about the example Jesus set for us. Jesus was a leader who showed us how to love, help others, and always do our best, no matter the challenges. Just like Jesus, each one of us is called to step up in our own way—whether it's in the classroom, on the playground, or in our homes. When we try our hardest, treat others kindly, and make good choices, we are following in Jesus' footsteps. (from the Beginning of School Year Mass 12/02/2025)





Resurrection School is committed to child safety. Our students’ wellbeing is our priority. We actively listen to, empower and protect children. Resurrection School has active supervision, support and training mechanisms in place to develop the skills and knowledge of our staff and volunteers and to monitor the behaviour and performance of all individuals working with children. We continuously examine how we work so that we can identify risks to the safety of children and develop responses to eliminate risks. Resurrection School promotes confidential reporting that respects individual privacy while maintaining record keeping of child safety issues. Resurrection School welcomes your feedback and strongly encourages the reporting of any child safety concerns.


We focus on the wellbeing of all learners as they flourish in a nurturing, respectful environment. We value partnerships with families and authentic connections with the wider community. (extract from: Resurrection School Vision Statement 2020).


At Resurrection School, we focus on both the wellbeing and learning of each student. We recognise our important role in the emotional health of both students, their families and one another. When times are uncertain, we closely monitor how each student is going so as to provide whatever support we can.


For this new school year, our first two weeks have focused on relationship-building, getting to know the expectations and routines of school this year and, most importantly, getting to know one another


Some of the things we do:


  • Recognise that each student will have different experiences and reactions
  • Establish and maintain calm routines
  • Provide reassurance that school is a safe place to be
  • Support social skills through social and emotional learning
  • Build connectedness to school
  • Talk about mental health and seeking help
  • Notice changes in students’ behaviour, mood or presentation
  • Ask students how they are
  • Listen without asking too many questions
  • Refer or report concerns about a student
  • Access support
  • Take care of our own mental health


We provide many activities, opportunities and programs across the school to support student wellbeing both in and outside the classroom, such as : the Resilience Project, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program, Circle Time, Peaceful Classrooms (mindfulness practices), Peaceful Kids (recognising and responding to different emotions, social skills), Good Grief (separation, grief), Positive Behaviour for Learning and more.


There are many things that families can do to build and maintain the emotional wellbeing of children, including letting the school know about changes or concerns about your child.


Six Key Elements which are important to wellbeing:


Understanding Emotions- helps your child to understand themselves and other people. You can do this by focusing on recognising, expressing and managing emotions. Understanding emotions is key to building empathy and self-awareness.


Personal Strengths- helps to build your child’s ability to recognise and understand positive qualities in themselves and others. This will help to build your child’s self-confidence and the capacity to face and manage challenges.


Positive Coping- provide opportunities for your child to discuss and learn different types of coping strategies. This will increase your child’s ability to manage stress, control impulses and overcome obstacles.


Problem-solving- your child needs to develop critical and creative thinking skills to explore different types of problems. This can build your child’s ability to make responsible decisions that consider the likely consequences of different ways of solving problems.


Stress management- your child needs calming strategies to deal with stress. This can help your child to cope with challenges being faced now and in the future.


Help Seeking- in challenging times, it is important to normalise asking for help. Your child should learn to: recognise situations in which to seek help, identify trusted people to ask for help and practise asking for and providing help.


As adults we may find it hard to ask for help, and instead, we behave like the Little Red Hen and do everything ourselves. Usually when we reach out and ask others for help it is more than willingly provided. Asking for, and giving, help builds relationships and aids personal connections and wellbeing.


Please contact the school if your child or family needs further wellbeing support so that we can work in partnership to achieve the best outcomes.



LIPs - Coming in Week 8

The aim of the Learning in Partnership Meetings (LIPs) is to nurture and strengthen each student's opportunities to grow and thrive. The LIPs build on the partnership between students, families and school and focus on the development of student ownership of continuous improvement. The LIPs are a time for discussion, reflection and planning actions related to:

  • progress in learning areas
  • learning behaviours
  • goals
  • social connections
  • working at home (homework, reading, diary)
  • other information and/or questions

We encourage parents/carers to bring your child to the LIPs so that progress to date can be celebrated and collaborative, supportive plans made for the future.


Learning in Partnership Meetings (LIPs) - Tuesday, 18th March

Learning in Partnership (LIPs) Meetings will be held at school between 2.00pm – 7.30pm on Tuesday, 18th March for Classroom teachers; Specialist teachers will be available from 2.00pm. LIPs are for 10 minutes only. Classroom teachers can be booked ONLINE while Specialist teachers need to be booked through the School Office. You can book interviews for the times that suit your family.


Students will be dismissed at normal time (3.20pm) but can be collected early if required. Locations for pick up will be sent soon. Please watch Compass for details. Students must be signed out.

BOOKINGS WILL OPEN through the School Interviews website using the access code that will provided to you.







A staff member will be on duty at the Corrigan Road school entrance and Gate 7 at the back of the school from 8.35-8.50a.m. and 3.20-3.30p.m.



Much of the parking and driving observed by Parish and School staff on the driveway has been unsafe for children and families.


Children are not to arrive at school before 8.35am as there is no supervision.


A reminder that play is not permitted on school grounds at the beginning or end of the day. We are unable to supervise this. Families are invited to play on the oval or play equipment in the park at the rear of the school. Thank you for your understanding.



At Resurrection School, all students are required to wear the correct uniform. This includes black shoes which need to be worn TO and FROM school every day and the Resurrection School bag. On PE days, the Sports Uniform is to be worn. This consists of sports shoes, T-shirt in House colour, and blue shorts or tracksuit pants. Sports shoes can be brought to school on any other day but must only be worn at recess and lunch times.

As part of our SunSmart Policy, students must wear their Resurrection School hats when they are outside. We have a ‘No hat, no play’ policy and students are required to sit in a shaded area if they do not have their hat.

Hair needs to be tied back if below students’ shoulders. 

Jewellery: Only studs or sleepers can be worn, no other jewellery.

Please ensure that all clothing is clearly named.

Students are expected to have a full water bottle at school every day.


Year 6 students may wear their t-shirt, however, long sleeve shirts are not to be worn underneath.



Students may not bring smart devices to school. Mobile phones and smart devices must be left in the Office at the beginning of the day and collected at the end of the day. 



As part of our legal responsibility, all student absences require a note or electronic notification to the Office. Parents/carers need to advise the Office via Compass. email or by phone whenever a student is arriving late or leaving early. If your child will be absent from school for an extended period of time, for example, a holiday, you are required to notify/advise the school in writing.



Classrooms will be open from 8:35am. The first bell will ring at 8.45a.m, the second bell will ring at 8.50a.m. and all students are expected to be in class ready to start the ‘Let’s Learn Program.’ Any student arriving after 8.50a.m. MUST go to the Office with an adult and get a Late PassPlease make punctuality and attendance priorities.



We ask for your assistance in maximising your child’s opportunities to learn by ensuring that your child has sufficient sleep every night. We recommend an early bedtime. If a student stays up late on school nights, this impacts on attentiveness in class and may affect learning. We advise that electronic devices should be switched off at least one hour before bedtime.



Please be aware that there may be some students in your child’s class who have food allergies (particularly nuts or eggs). We ask that you refrain from sending foods that contain these ingredients e.g. peanut butter.



If your child is celebrating a birthday and you would like the class to share in this celebration, we would suggest a coloured pencil or similar for each class member. If lolly-bags are sent to school these will be given to students to take home. Please be considerate of students with allergies, such as: nuts, eggs and chocolate. If your child brings party invitations to school, we ask that these are handed to the teacher to give out discreetly to minimise the chance of other students feeling left out. Thank you for your understanding.



If any medication is to be administered to your child while he/she is at school, please provide a note stating the following details: name of the medication, time at which it needs to be taken, the dosage to be administered and signed by a doctor or pharmacist. The medication must be given to the Office and must be in its original packaging to avoid confusion.

Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns. It is important to check EXPIRY dates. 



Fresh fruit (no yoghurt) and vegetables are eaten as ‘brain food’ at 10.00a.m. everyday. Please ensure that students are provided with a healthy morning snack for the 11.00a.m. break as well as a healthy lunch for 1.10p.m. Lunch orders are available on Monday, Thursday and Friday. We have NUDE FOOD everyday so please send lunch boxes with NO food packaging each day.


All the best,


Jane Dunstone