Attendance -Late Arrival / Early Departure

Late Arrivals It is important that students arrive at school on time in the morning. Where lateness is unavoidable (after 8:40am), please ensure you accompany your child to the main office where their arrival will be entered into Compass with a reason for the lateness. If your child arrives from 8:40am onwards without you they will be marked late without a reason.
Early Departures It is preferable that all private appointments for students, including medical appointments, are made outside of school hours. Early pickups can be very disruptive to your child’s teacher and classmates and interrupts valuable learning time. If an appointment needs to be made within school hours, please notify the office via phone (8560 6079) or email ( in the morning. This ensures that disruptions are minimised and we can have your child waiting for you when you arrive. We do understand that emergencies happen so please help us support you.
Late Pickups School finishes at 3pm. There has been an increase in the number of students who are not being picked up from school in a timely manner once school finishes at 3pm. It is important to remind parents that there is no staff member on yard duty after 3.15pm. We understand that occasionally things happen that are beyond your control. In these situations, please contact us so that we can notify your child, reassure them and keep them safe until you arrive. When collecting your child, you will be required to come into reception and sign your child out. If this seems to be happening frequently then TJ, Mal, Jess or Darren will meet with you when collecting your child to discuss any issues that are a barrier to you picking your child up on time. Thank you for your understanding and support in helping keep your children safe and engaged in their learning.