Upcoming Important Dates and Information 

Wednesday 26th February

-Year 7 Volleyball 8.40am - 3.00Pm

Tuesday 4th March

Open Classrooms Tuesday 4th March 3.00-


We are excited to invite you to visit your child’s classroom and meet their teacher in person on Tuesday, 4th March, from 3:00-3:45 pm

This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to show you their classroom if you haven’t had the chance to visit yet, as well as a time for you to ask any questions about the curriculum or programs in place.

The week prior, all cohorts will receive a video link to a presentation about the curriculum and programs, highlighting the staff, events, camps, and activities your child will be involved in throughout the year. If you have any questions after viewing the presentation or would like further clarification, this is the perfect opportunity to ask your child’s teacher.

Please note that this is not a parent-teacher interview, but rather a chance to learn more about the overall program for your child. We would love to see you there, and we know your child will be thrilled to show you their classroom, share their class routines, and discuss the exciting things they will be doing throughout the year.


Wednesday 5th March

Year 9 Volleyball girls (Eagle Stadium)8.40am - 3.00pm


Wednesday 7th March

Year 9 Volleyball Boys (Eagle Stadium)8.40am - 3.00pm



Monday 10th March 

Public Holiday School closed 

Friday 14th March

Year 8 Volleyball (Eagle Stadium)8.40am - 3.00pm

Wednesday 26th March

-Prep to Yr 6  Colour fun Run


All participating students will be given free 

- sunglasses 

- rainbow headband 

Please make sure that your child brings a WHITE shirt to wear during the Fun Run and wears closed in shoes. 


They will be covered in non-toxic, biodegradable colour powder from head to toe!