Year 5 Term 1 Overviews

Wominjeka Year 5 Families!
Term 1 is off to an amazing start in year 5. Students have settled into their new classrooms with ease. They have enjoyed seeing old friends as well as meeting new friends that have either joined us this year or were in another class to them last year. From day 1, they have shown excitement, energy and enthusiasm towards being at school. We are extremely proud of how well our students have settled into year 5.
This year, year 5 consists of 8 classes.
5A - Christian | 5B - Rachel | 5C - Christine | 5D - Tom |
5E - Paul | 5F - Zandile | 5G - Stephanie | 5H - Dilara |
The first few weeks have seen students engage in a Learning to Learn program. Here we have explored the school values - Respect, Kindness, Integrity, Learning and Teamwork. Classrooms have been created as an inclusive environment. Students are learning about one another by bringing in artefacts that reflect themselves and sharing these with their peers and class teacher. Important events that are significant to the student are shared during this time and collated onto a Cohort Calender. This allows teachers and students to understand, connect and celebrate one another. Students have delved into the learning pit, where they have been encouraged to be comfortable with uncomfortable feelings and being ok with not knowing answers straight away. It has allowed students to think criticially and problem solve. Classroom routines have been established and reiterated when needed.
This term in Literacy, Year 5 students have explored Personal Narratives through various structures, language features, purpose, and audience. They have analysed and compared a variety of fiction text on how authors engage the reader through the way characters are depicted, problems are built, settings create imagery and how they end. Students are implementing this learnt knowledge into their writing and seeking feedback from peers to improve their writing. Students are learning about and following the writing process. Comprehension skills are being developed in reading and incorporated into writing through students analysing work of peers and seeking feedback regarding their own writing, such as summarising and determining the authors message. This has allowed students revise their writing for missing sections and grow as a learner.
We have now started our Home Reading program. The expectation is for your child to read a text of their choosing 5 nights a week and record the title, date and a comment in the reading journal - these are the student diaries from the book pack. If your child does not have a reading journal, any 2025 diary will be fine for use. Reading journals are checked and signed by teachers every Friday. We strongly encourage you to sign up for the Wyndham library as students will have access to a wide range of books including audio books.
During Mathematics this term, Year 5 students have developed more understanding of place value. They have investigated the relationship of whole number and decimal number through comparing, ordering and representing decimals and connecting this to the real world. Fractions are being explored and how these link with decimal numbers. They will learn about adding and subtracting fractions as well as list outcomes of chance experiments using fractions. Planning and conducting statistical investigations, creating graphs using Sheets and in maths books.
Throughout each of these areas we seek to build a deeper understanding of each concept, honing problem solving skills and strategies that allow our students to make connections between mathematical concepts and apply their knowledge to unfamiliar problems.
Our key learning area for Inquiry this term is Identity, Creativity and Wellbeing. This connects to the curriculum areas Civics and Citizenship and Personal and Social Capabilities. We are developing an understanding of leadership, responsibilities, qualities of leaders what it means to be an Australian and Global citizen, who the government is and how they are elected. Inquiry is integrated through Reading and SEL to deeper the understanding and connection for students.
This term in SEL, students have explored to understand stress and what causes our individual selves to stress. Identifying where we are feeling stress within our body and how we are feeling has allowed students to implement strategies to relieve stress prior to stress escalating. Study skills - good listening, reading assignments accurately, planning ahead, being organised have been investigated and connected as ways for students to help relieve stress and create a positive classroom environment. Students will explore self talk and the implications that negative self talk can have on our emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. We will be exploring significant culture events to students and teachers within the year 5 cohort.
Home Learning
For this term, students will be focusing on their reading and using the online app IXL for English and Maths. Through this, we hope that the students will develop independence in managing their home learning which will set them up for future success as they approach secondary school. If you have any questions about home learning, please feel free to contact your child's teacher.
General Reminders:
- Devices need to be fully charged every night as students are not able to charge their device at school.
- Headphones are required for learning in class and NAPLAN. Check with your child if they have a set of headphones at school.
- Classroom doors open at 8:35am, and class begins promptly at 8:40am.
We look forward to working with you and your child this year. Please come and see your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. After school is best for a quick chat, otherwise send your child’s teacher an email through Compass to set up an appointment time for a longer conversation.
Year 5 Team