Year 3 Term 1 Overviews

Year 3 Term 1 Overview


Welcome, to our new and returning families. The term has begun with establishing the routines and expectations for grade 3 students, as well as developing a sense of community in each classroom. We are working together to develop strong relationships with your child to understand and support their social, emotional and academic learning strengths and needs. Our vision at DCC is to inspire and empower thinkers, and we look forward to a wonderful year of learning together.



In Reading, we will be investigating how fiction and non-fiction texts are structured and explain their purpose. Students will explore how different language features, such as time connectives (words that show the order of events), metaphors, similes, and other language that creates a specific emotional atmosphere, impact the meaning of texts. They will also examine sentences with different lengths, structures, and punctuation to understand how these elements change the complexity of the text and help convey information. This year we will be implementing reciprocal reading where students focus on predicting, clarifying, summarising and questioning as comprehension strategies. 


Reading and Writing

Our Reading and Writing sessions will be merged and referred to as a literacy block. Students will be exploring both persuasive and narrative writing during this term. They will broaden their understanding of persuasive features and techniques. Students will also develop their knowledge around sourcing and recording ideas, building their vocabulary and knowledge of grammar to help them craft simple and complex sentences. They will continue to improve their spelling and handwriting skills. 


In Numeracy, students will learn to multiply and divide one- and two-digit numbers using strategies like number sentences and diagrams, developing their ability to recall multiplication facts of 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s and 10’s. They will estimate quantities and solve real-life problems. Students will work towards recognising and representing unit fractions including 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 and 1/10 and their multiples in different ways and combining fractions with the same denominator to complete the whole. Students will also explore probability by conducting chance experiments, identifying outcomes as likely, unlikely, certain, or impossible. They will collect and interpret data, create graphs, and use tools like frequency tables and spreadsheets to represent their findings. Students will be using Google Classroom and the IXL learning platform for the appropriate mathematical tasks during the term.


In Term 1 2024, the Year Three Social and Emotional Learning Program will provide explicit learning experiences that will assist students in developing: An awareness of self, and others as well as the appropriate tools to self-regulate. Additionally, students will continue to work towards identifying and exploring facial expressions, and naming emotions in a range of social situations and their impact on self and others. Teachers and students will establish a positive classroom environment based on our school values system linked to our School Wide Positive Behaviour Program. This year we are introducing a reward program of Class Dojo where students will be awarded points for following school expectations and values. Students will be able to use these points to purchase rewards of choice they created at the start of the year with their class.



Students will be investigating the driving question, ‘Who am I and how does this connect to others?’ during our Identity, Creativity and Wellbeing Unit of Inquiry. Students will identify and explore different countries and cultures from around the world, compare and make connections to these from their own cultures and cultural practices. This learning will help develop students' sense of inclusivity within DCC and the wider community. 




General Reminders:


• Please ensure that your child is at school and ready to learn at 8:35am.


• Please check Compass daily, as these will be the main portals that we (the teachers) and the school will communicate information to you. 


• Students are required to read their take home reader every night and record a brief reflection in their Green Home Reading Diaries. They will transport books from school to home and back each day in their satchels. Each morning, readers will be exchanged from the take home reader boxes in classrooms. Your child's teacher will have a day in which all Green Home Reading Diaries need to be handed in so they can view, record and provide feedback on students’ nightly reading.


•Learning apps, Wushka, IXL and Google Classroom are being organised and distributed to students. The safest place for these is in their Green Home Reading Diaries. 


• Students in year 3 are also now expected to bring their own devices to school charged and ready each day. Due to OH&S these devices cannot be charged at school. These devices will also be used in the preparation and completion of NAPLAN. Students are responsible for the safekeeping and usage of their laptops whilst at school. 


Kind Regards,

The Year 3 Team

3A Sharnie, 3B Alex, 3C Sydney, 3D Moura, 3E Nazley, 3F Palika, 3G Arline, 3H Amanda, 3I Jake & 3J Tegan.