Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Facilities News:
Carparks - drop off zones:
Parents are reminded that the entry and exit speed is a maximum of 5 kph. Quite often students get out of cars before their parents can come and supervise, so it is important that cars are moving slow enough to stop if necessary. Please do not be offended if staff remind you that your entry speed is too fast - we are looking out for the safety of all students and parents in the carpark.
On March 11 the Maintenance team will be busy. Arborist, playground and air conditioner inspections have been booked as well as various trades to complete maintenance works around the school.
The Schools Upgrade Fund team had a meeting recently to view and revise the draft plan for the works that will happen. The key element of the project will be completing the external fencing of the school with pool fencing which is too challenging for most students to climb. The other key part of the project is the underground drainage and the existing base of the playground surfaces. Last week ageo-tech survey was carried out and the results will impact the scope of work to be completed.