Middle Sub School News 


                                              Amelia Frantz  -  Middle Sub School Leader


Hello middle families and carers, 


Middle students have enjoyed some great learning opportunities and have been working hard in Weeks 5 and 6.  Students have been continuing with daily morning circle and check in routines. In literacy, students have read and watched many different texts. It is great to see students enjoying  PE and Music lessons. 


We have some incursions coming up. Dragon Dance incursion to celebrate Harmony Day is on March 20. Circus skills incursion takes place in the last week of school. 


Monday March 10 is Labour Day Public Holiday. Tuesday is a curriculum day. 


As always, please reach out anytime.



Room 12

Room 12 is having an amazing start to the year. We have settled into our classroom and daily routines. The students in Room 12 are enjoying lots of fun activities such as: Singing, learning phonics, exploring the life cycle of plants and even life skills like learning to tie shoe-laces! Room 12 is looking forward to the year ahead!