Parents Association

Parents Association Christmas Raffle 


A huge thank you to Parents/Carers/Guardians for all the wonderful donations to our Christmas Raffle. Thank you also to everyone who sold raffle tickets.  We were able to have 19 amazing prizes.  It was extremely exciting to ring the winners and hear the joy in their voices.

We look forward to your continued support with our Easter Raffle coming up

Winners are as follows:

Melinda and Danny pictured here with the first prize. Congratulations to Lionel Budge .
Melinda and Danny pictured here with the first prize. Congratulations to Lionel Budge .
  1. Lionel Budge
  2. Cooper Rogers
  3. Elijah Pacheco
  4. John Kosowicz
  5. Annette Hunt
  6. Samantha Budge
  7. Odin Noordennen
  8. Graeme Hunt
  9. Kerry Walker
  10. Ian Betridge
  11. Matt Reid
  12. John Leach
  13. Teree Thomas
  14. Mia Collins
  15. Lillie Luckman
  16. Brendan Marr
  17. L. Bunton
  18. Coby Cunningham
  19. Holly Winslett

A fantastic total of $1,160.00 was raised from the raffle. 

We look forward to your continued support with our Easter Raffle coming up

Thank you once again for your support


Melinda Springthorpe

Parents Association President


My Name Labels Fundraiser


Does your child lose items of their school uniform, lunch boxes, drink bottles etc? If so, then please support our fundraiser by buying iron on labels or stick on labels and you will save the expense of buying these missing items again.

Easy to order, go to and enter our fundraising code WC0515 at the checkout and you will earn a 5% discount and our school with receive 15% commission.  All money raised will go towards your child’s camps and excursions,

Order on line now at

Don’t forget to enter our FUNDRAISING CODE: WC0515

Thank you for your support


Melinda Springthorpe


Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is open by appointment only. This will be an on going arrangement. 

For appointments please call Jo Winslett on 0407 049 268.