Classroom Reports

A warm welcome to our Foundation students and families to the 2025 school year. Despite the very hot weather we did have a ‘cool’ day playing and learning. We got to play and meet our Year 6 Buddies and sit with them for recess. We hope to get to play games again with them in the little pool on Friday. The Buddies will also be helping us at the end of each day to find our families or take us to the bus. The Year 11 students will also be spending some time with us each Friday afternoon reading picture story books. We are very lucky to have lots of the older students supporting us to start our educational journey at Wedderburn College. We also look forward to your support.
P.S Don’t forget children need a library bag and art smock
Mrs Tanya, Classroom Teacher
Year 1/2 A
We’ve had a fantastic start to the year in Year 1/2A! Our class has been exploring the concept of growth mindset through the inspiring book The Magical Yet, encouraging students to embrace challenges and see mistakes as opportunities to learn. In Mathematics, we are diving into number and place value, using hands-on activities to make learning fun and engaging while building strong foundations for future learning. Students have also enjoyed reflecting on their holiday adventures and sharing their experiences with the class.
If you have any questions or need to get in touch, please contact via Compass. We’re looking forward to an exciting year of learning and growth!
Miss A, Classroom Teacher
Year 3/4 A
Welcome to 2025!
It is wonderful to see you all back and prepared for the exciting year ahead. We have a range of fantastic learning opportunities such as fun activities, projects and upcoming events. We can’t wait for the amazing term that this is going to be!
We are thrilled to be a part of an exciting year with a fabulous bunch of people in 3/4.
The opportunities that are included on our timetable include:
Mondays: PE and Inquiry
Tuesday: AUSLAN, PE and Inquiry
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Art
Friday: Inquiry
This Friday we have our swimming sports! We can’t wait to see everyone dressed up in their house colours and supporting their team and class.
Mr Campbell and Mrs MacKenzie, Classroom Teacher
Grade 3/4 B
Welcome back to school for 2025!
It is great to have students back to school for the start of the year. We have enjoyed lots of fun 'getting to know you activities' to start the school year off. We are excited for an amazing term and year with our amazing Grade 3/4B class.
Our important timetable reminders:
Monday: Art
Tuesday: Auslan and Huddle
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: PE and Library
Friday: PE
This Friday we have our school swimming sports. It would be amazing to see everyone there, dressed up in house colours, participating and supporting the swimmers!
Miss Lockhart, Classroom Teacher
Grade 5/6
Welcome back to 2025!
It’s great to see everyone back and ready for the fun and learning ahead. We’ve got lots of exciting activities, projects, and opportunities coming up, and we can’t wait to make this term a memorable one!
I am very excited for another great year and all the fun that will happen in 5/6.
Our timetable this year is full of great learning opportunities.
Mondays: AUSLAN and Digital
Tuesday: Inquiry and Library
Wednesday: Music
Friday: Digital and PE
This Friday is our swimming sports! I am looking forward to seeing everyone dressed up in their house colours and cheering on their team and classmates.
Miss Eilish, Classroom Teacher
Year 9 Duke of Ed
This is a wonderful example of a Year 9 students work for Duke of Ed. Lucy Rollinson completed this piece as her Skill in her Duke of Ed Bronze Award.
Ms Piccoli and Miss Van De Wetering, Year 9 and Duke of Ed Homeroom Teachers
Year 10
The summer holidays seemed to fly by! A big welcome back to our students, carers, and parents. We’re looking forward to a fantastic year here at Wedderburn College and our Year 10s have started with positivity and enthusiasm.
This week is our annual swimming carnival. This is always a fantastic day that showcases our school’s commitment to supporting each other and the friendly (sometimes) rivalry between Ansett and Jacka. We’re asking that all students attend, dress up, and participate.
The other big event on the horizon for Year 10s is work experience. There will be a lot of focus on getting ready for this in coming weeks as work experience will be here soon. In week 7, just after the Labour Day long weekend, our students will be out in the workforce and trying out potential career pathways.
Well done again on a great start Year 10s. Keep it up!
Mr Watson, Mrs Barker, and Mr Iser, Homeroom teachers
Year 12
What a fantastic start to the year we are having. The Year 12s have settled into their classes and are working well.
Already we have been busy in starting units of work, the VM students have been working with Robyn Vella and most have placements to start work, some as early as next week. We have had students nominated to further leadership roles, when they put their hands up for House Captains.
At the Whole School Assembly, our Year 12s will be presented with their Year 12 jackets – a mark of respect for the year they are about to embark on and their stepping up into the leaders and role models of the school.
We also leave for the Year 12 camp next Monday to Melbourne, where we will be involved in a whole range of activities which will further bring this group together and reinforce the importance of the year ahead.
During Huddles we will be able to cover a lot more of the strategies for study and decisions about Career Pathways in a lot more depth, along with being involved in the Regional Pathways program.
Here are the Year 12s ready to start their year:
Mrs Postle, Ms Mediwaththe, Mrs Woodman, Year 12 Homeroom Teachers
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
2025 Whole School Swimming Sports
As you may be aware, our annual House Swimming Sports are quickly approaching. They will be held on Friday the 7th of February at the Wedderburn Swimming Pool. There will be plenty of events to participate in; whether you are confident swimmers or not, there will be the usual events and novelty events to get involved in. Parents, guardians, caregivers and families are invited to attend, participate (in the Staff, Student & Parent/Carer race and dances) and are encouraged to come dressed in house colours.
Please also ensure you log into compass to provide consent for the day or request a hardcopy to sign.
We are super excited to announce our 2025 House Captains. A big congratulations to Tyson Blair, Amelia Buschmann & Charlotte Carroll on becoming the Jacka House Captains as well as Indi Simpson, Dakota Martin & Jade Cramp on becoming Ansett House Captains. We are fortunate to have some amazing leaders representing both houses and we know you will excel in these positions.
For those who were not present during our House meetings last Friday, do not forget you can still sign up for events by seeing your House Captains on the day of the sports. There is still plenty of time!
Year 10 & Year 8 classes will be participating in a swimming & water safety unit this term. Students will need to bring bathers, towels, changes of underwear, goggles (if they have them) and any other individual items they may need.
If a student will not be swimming for a specific reason, a note from home needs to be presented to the HPE Teacher, with a signature from parent/guardian/caregiver. It is important to mention that these reasons for non-participation must be valid as this unit is an important part of our school curriculum. We appreciate your support with this.
Please see below for specific dates where bathers will be required:
Year 10 | Year 8 |
Mondays 3a/3b
| Thursdays 3a/3b
New Primary Sports Equipment:
As a way to keep students active during break times, the PE department have purchased bins full of brand-new sporting equipment for each Primary year level. This equipment can be used during recess and lunch times. Equipment is colour coded and belongs in each classroom. Please use this equipment and have fun moving your body but remember to return it after use for others to enjoy.
NCD Triathlon:
The NCD Triathlon will be held in Boort around the beautiful lake again this year on Thursday 6th March (Week 6). The Triathlon involves running, riding and swimming and is a great opportunity for students to test themselves in the individual or the team events. Information and sign-up sheets for this can be found in the Science Room breezeway. If you are interested but have questions, see Mr. P for more details but all students who attend absolutely love the experience. Below are some photos from previous years.
Miss Milne & Mr Pettifer, Sports Coordinators