Assistant Principal's 


Mr Lockhart

A big welcome back everyone, I hope everyone has had a restful break.  We have had a smooth start to the school year considering it has been very hot.  My mother always said ‘when school goes back it always gets hot’, this year has been no different and unfortunately we have more hot weather ahead, so please take all the necessary precautions.


Swimming Carnival – Exciting News!!! 

Our first whole school event is fast approaching – Week 2 Swimming Carnival - Friday 7 February. This is a great opportunity to build school spirit and have fun.  Three things we want you to do: turn up, dress up and participate!!!

Homeroom Competitions - Free College Cafe Lunches

  1. If your homeroom has 100% attendance and everybody is dressed in house colours, your homeroom will receive a free college café lunch.
  2. If your homeroom has 100% attendance, everybody dressed in house colours and 100% participation (every student goes in a least one event), your homeroom will receive another free college café lunch.

A reminder one of our SWPBS Expected Behaviours in our matrix under the value of Responsible is ' I will actively participate'.


Bridgewater / Inglewood Bus Students

Due to safety concerns the Bridgewater / Inglewood Bus pick up at IGA and drop off at the Town Hall in Inglewood is now changing.

The bus route change will start on Monday 10th February 2025. The new bus stops will be at the V/Line bus stop out the front of the Inglewood Post Office. The morning stop instead of IGA is now on the opposite side of the road to the post office and the afternoon stop instead of the Town Hall is now the same side of the road to the post office.

There is no change in time – pick up and drop off are the exact same time.

Any concerns please reach out to Mr Lockhart.

Email at


School Hats - Term 1

A reminder to all students that they need their school hats at recess and lunchtime.  School hats must be either broad brim or bucket with a school logo. 


2025 College Calendar

A hardcopy went home with the oldest student in your family – if you didn’t get one or would like an extra copy, they are available at the front desk